02/04/1970 507 , DOSe 7 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING, February 4, 1970 Present: Mr, J, Van B, Metts, Jr" Chairman, Dr, Heyward Bellamy, Dr, Frank Reynolds, Mayor L, M, Cromartie Minutes of the January 7 meeting were approved by motion of Dr, Reynolds, seconded by Dr, Bellamy, Dragline: Dr, Reynolds made the motion that we present the County Commissioners with the figures, as furnished to the Board, and ask them to purchase a second Dragline for use in our Drainage Program, Dr, Bellamy seconded the motion, Motion' carried unanimously, New Quarters: Dr, Knox gave a report from the Building Inspector as to repairs that would have to be made to the JWMH Building before it could be used, Mr, Reagan, of Reagan Construction Company, will look at the building and the floor plans to see how much it will cost for the necessary repairs and changes needed for it to be used as a Health Department, Plumbing: Dr, Knox reported that Mr, L, R. Smith, Jr" Plumbing Inspector, and Mr. W, H, Cranford, Director of Sanitation, are working with Mr, Lacy Goodyear, a local plumber, to prepare an examination, and an amendment to the plumbing code for the licensing of Journeyman Plumbers, After they complete their work, it will be turned over to the County Attorney for his recommendations, '\.. .. Dr, Knox told the Board that sO far as could be determined, the check valves presented by Mr, DoBo at the January meeting are not being required by other counties, but for the protection of the public he feels that would be a good measure, Dr, Bellamy made the motion, seconded by Mayor Cromartie, that we change the plumbing code to require these check valves on houses being served by Community Water Systems in New Hanover County, As to clorinating the lines in the houses it was decided that this was an administrative matter, NuBlue Contract: Dr, Knox checked with the Insurance Commissioner regarding the contract in question and it was determined that no other company except Blue Cross is offering this particular coverage at this time, Mayor Cromartie made the motion seconded by Dr, Bellamy that we sign this contract with Blue Cross and any other company that might offer this benefit later, Motion carried, Rabies Control Officer - Dog Wardens: The Board of Health has been contacted regard- ing the supervision of the new Dog Warden - Dog Pound agreement between the City and the County, After considerable discussion of the laws concerning the Rabies Control Officer and Dog Wardens, it was suggested that this be looked into further and a report given at the March meeting, (Mr, Metts suggested that Dr, Knox give Mr, Lawrence Bowden, County Administrator, an itemized list of equipment, etc, that would be re- quired if we go into this program), Percolation Tests: The Commissioners have recommended that the Board of Health employ someone to make percolation tests on a fee basis, The Board asked that Dr, Knox and Mr, Cranford work out the details of budget, equipment, and fees to be charged and to present this at our meeting in March, , Solid Waste Disposal Ordinance: Copies of the existing Solid Waste Disposal Ordin- ance was furnished to Board Members, After discussion, it was decided that we have ( OSG8 508 the County Attorney to revise the ordinance so that it can be enforced and then enforce it, (Mr, Metts suggested that we write a letter to Mr, Bowden asking for a list of trash disposal areas in the County for use of County residents), ~ , Dentist: Dr, Knox reported to the Board that the State Board of Health is sending us ~ a Dentist on March 23, There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, , ?/1./cL&L ;(3,r~ Approved: March 4, 1970 ""'lII - .... ...,,/I