03/08/1972 orrS57 MINUTES OF BOARD OF HEALTH, March 8, 1972 .... Present: All members of Board of Health .... Minutes of the February meeting and the special called meeting were approved by motion of Mayor Schwartz, seconded by Dr. Smith. Tanglewood Drainage: Copies of correspondence concerning this drainage problem had been mailed to each board member, After much discussion Dr. Smith made the motion that Dr. Knox see if the State Board of Health considered this to be a Health Hazard and if so we would go ahead and do the work. Motion was seconded by Dr. TidIer and carried. Well Regulations: Copies of the proposed well regulations had been mailed to members of the board for study, Dr. Reynolds made a motion that this ordinance be sent to all the well drillers to ask for their comments and that their views be brought back to the next board meeting. Motion was seconded by Dr, Smith and carried. Administrator: Dr. Knox read the letter that he received from the State Board of Health personnel officer concerning an administrator for this department. It is the feeling of the personnel officer that we are adequately staffed and do not need this position at this time. Mr. Marks asked that a copy of the letter written by Dr. Knox to the State Board of Health be sent to each board member. New Pay Scale and Salary Grades: Mayor Schwartz made a motion that the salary grades for nurses be accepted. This was seconded by Dr. Reynolds and carried. Dr. Bellamy stated that these changes in pay scale and grades was within the legal limits of Phase II. Transfer of Funds: Permission was asked to transfer funds as follows: To Insect and Rodent Truck Maintenance $2,000 from Health General Fund, To Drainage Gas and Oil $600.00 from Health General Fund. To Drainage Repairs and Parts $6,000 from Labor Account, To Landfill Repairs, etc. $11,000 from Capital Outlay. Motion was made by Dr. Smith, seconded by Mayor Schwartz that we forward this request to the County Commissioners for action, Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned, Respectfully submitted, Approved: ~ril 19, 1972 -/7t~~ '6 -;;C?~ 7f~ 6~ ~7 {f~- ~