06/06/1973 '; 4fflJS8- ) ...-.... REGULAR MEETING - BOARD OF HEALTH - June 6, 1973 - Present: Dr. Heyward Bellamy, Chairman, Dr. Frank Reynolds, Dr. James Tidler, Mr. R. E. Carter, Mr. M. H. Vaughan and Attorney James Fox Minutes of the May meeting were approved by motion of Dr. Tidler, seconded by Dr. Reynolds. Water Table and Perc Test in Shandy Point: Mr. John Hicks, Mr. Glasgow Hicks and Mr. Glenn Avery appeared before the Board regarding lots #6, #8, and #10 in Shandy Point. A member of the Health Department Staff had measured the water table on these lots in May and found the table too high for installing septic tanks. Mr. Hicks had employed Von Oesen Associates to repeat these test on June 5, 1973 and the water table by their test was over 36 inches below the surface. Mr. Hicks believed our test was in error. After some discussion it was agreed that our Sanitarian would meet the owners today and make new test. L _ New Quarters: Dr. Knox and Mr. Vaughan reported to the Board that on June 4 at the regular County Commissioners meeting the commissioners approved an additional $200,000 from Revenue Sharing to take the place of money we had expected to get from Hill Burton funds which are no longer available. At this meeting permission was given to Leslie Boney Architect Firm to proceed with letting bids for the new building. Mr. Boney feels we should have a letter from the Hospital Board stating that the land has been set aside for us. Mr. Vaughan suggested that Dr. Knox have Mr. Morrison, Hospital Administrator, and Mrs. King, County Clerk, search past minutes to see if proper action has been taken by the Hospital Board and the Board of County Commissioners re this land. Draina.p;e - Tanglewood: Mr. Vaughan stated that a delegation from the Tanglewood area had come to the County Commissioners meeting on June 4 and brought pictures, etc. of a drainage ditch on Cherokee Trail. This was a drainage ditch which had been cleaned out and made deeper by the Health Department Dragline. The ditch, according to reports, keeps getting bigger and is endangering one home. Mr. Vaughan questioned the three foot drop in grading on the ditch. Dr. Bellamy asked that Mr. Cranford, Mr. Fox and a member of the Board, whom he would name, prepare a recommendation for the County Commissioners re this ditch. The Board was in agreement with this procedure. Medicaid: Dr. Knox informed the board that two new pro~rams under Medicaid were being given to Health Departments for implementation. (1) Screening of ADC children (under age 21) for Social Services. The department will be reimbursed at $15.00 per child. (2) Family Planning - we already have two clinics per month but under this program Social Service clients will be seen in the clinic and payment for examination and services can be received from the Medicaid program. Dr. Reynolds suggested that if we had a Family Nurse Practitioner on our staff she could do all this work and the reimbursement from Medicaid would pay her salary. This will be discussed after we get more details on the program. .' . There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Approved: July 11, 1973 , 7h..d~ '13, fJ~< c..-1t --