03/05/1975 CC62fj 625 MINUTES OF BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING - March 5, 1975 --- Present: Dr. James Smith, Chairman, Dr. James TidIer, Dr. Frank Reynolds, Mr. R. E. Carter, Mr. W. K. Whitmire, Mr. Bruce Freeman, Mr. George Chadwick, Mrs. Vivian Wright, County Manager Dan Eller and County Attorney James Fox Absent: Mr. J. R. Reaves Mrs. Wright asked that a correction be made in the minutes of the Executive Session of the February meeting to state that her vote was based on what the Commissioners wanted. With this correction the minutes were approved by the Board. Policies on Home Health Services: The members of the Board had been given copies of revised policies for our Home Health Service Program. Such policies are required by the Federal Government since through this program we receive reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid. Mrs. Wright raised questions re the Advisory Board - who appoints this Board? It was explained that the very first Advisory Board was appointed by the Health Director in 1966 and approved by the Board of Health. Since then the Adivsory Board has filled its own vacancies. It was also pointed out that it is specified in the Conditions of Participation how the board must be consituted. It was decided that action on adoption of these policies be deferred until the next board meeting in order to decide if this is the way the members of the board should be re-elected. Also it was suggested that this should be written into the policies. '" . Septic Tank Ordinance: A memorandum from the Sanitary Engineering Section of the State Board of Health had been distributed to Board Members which pointed out that the State Ordinance was not yet in force due to a legal technicality. We will be advised when it has been made legal. The local ordinance adopted by this board has been properly advertised and posted and is in effect. Transfer of Funds: Dr. Knox told the board that we need approximately $8,500 transferred to our Utilities Account. It was suggested that this money be transferred from the Capital Outlay Account. Motion was made by Dr. Reynolds, seconded by Dr. TidIer that we request the Commissioners to transfer these funds. Motion carried. Venereal Disease: Attention was called to the fact that there had been an increase of approximately 100 new cases of GC as compared to the same two month period in 1974. Dr. Reynolds suggested that Dr. Knox look in depth at this problem - compare with statistics of other counties, etc. and re- port back to the board at the April meeting. He suggested that it might be advisable for a campaign to be put on by the Medical Society and the Health Department if the figures show that this is justified. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. ""., ... Respectfully submitted, Approved: April 9, 1975 711- ALe-e ;13. ;;~