03/15/1978 - 00706 MINUTES OF BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING - March 15, 1978 - . Present: Mr. George Chadwick, Chairman, Dr. James Furr, Dr. William Eakins, Mrs. Vivian Wright, Mrs. Roma Lee Hall, Mr. R. E. Carter, Mr. J. R. Reaves, Mr. Deother Melvin and Mr James Fox, Attorney Absent Dr. Murray Seidel Minutes of the February meeting were approved as presented. Report of Committee on Septic Tanks: Mr J. R. Reaves, Chairman of this committee reports that this committee does not yet have a final recommendation. Report of Committee on WIC Program: Dr. James Furr, Chairman of this committee presented the attached report. Dr. Furr then asked that the report be tabled to be discussed during the budget session. Motion was seconded and carried. Budget. Mr Chadwick reported that he had discussed a standing budget committee for the Board of Health with several members of the board. The board members present were in agreement with this proposal - this committee to be active all year. Mr. Chadwick appointed Dr. James Furr, Mr. R. E. Carter, Dr. Murray Seidel and Mr. Deother Melvin to this committee. Mr. Chadwick will serve as as ex-officio member. ~~ The budget as presented was discussed and there was a general agreement among the members of the board that the percentage of increase in the budget and the county money required was too great. Mr. Reaves made a motion that the budget committee meet and trim this budget, with the feelings of this board in mind. Dr. Furr seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mrs. Wright suggested that the board consider making a recommendation to the Commissioners that the 6% Cost of Living raises proposed for the 1978-79 year be cut out. It was suggested that Dr Finger go back to his department heads and ask for recommdations for cutting the budget. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Approved: April 5, 1978 Respectfully submitted, 7fL~C 73- z:f:J~ ------_._._.~,.,--- - REPORT WIC Study Committee Board of Health, New Hanover County March 15, 1978 Your WIC Study Committee, after an exhaustive study unanimously suggest that the New Hanover County Board of Health not enter into the WIC program, This conclusion was reached because we felt the program suffers from inadequate controls as well as federal guidelines which are too broad. We have very serious reservations about the Criteria for Priority used in the acceptance of participants and it is our opinion that the cost of such a program is excessive in light of the documented benefits and the small number of county residents who would benefit versus the total number of residents who could benefit from a nutritional program designed for the entire population. Many of our doubts and conclusions are supported by statements from the summary of the Medical Evaluation of the Special Supplemental Food Program for WIC from which the following statements are quoted. Quote: "The medical benefits of the WIC program have been described in terms of measurable changes in anthroprometric, dietary and biochemical indices as required by the contract with FNS. It should be pointed out however, that the underlying assumption that these benefits represent improvements to the health and well-being of the participants mayor may not be true. It would be impossible, for instance, to state with any degree of assurance whether or not an increase of 0.4g/l00 ml in hemoglobin concentration improved the health of a given individual. The answer depends on several factors such as the initial level of hemoglobin and the physio- logical level appropiate for that individual." "Income was the most commonly used guideline for selection of partici- pants." ____n "An alternative to income as a basis for eligibility is to identify individuals with the lowest values for selected nutritional indices. Unfortunately, efforts to determine the differential impact of the program according to initial individual results are not very productive." ______ "'1'0 sum up, the measurable effects of the WIC program are considered I real' health benefits to the participants because the initial values for several of the indices investigated were below the accepted standards and the program moved them closer to the standards. The long term benefits of the WIC program should be investigated. Income poverty ratio provided a satis- factory guideline for eligibility. The study did not provide medical justification for exclusion of potentially eligible participants on the basis of their initial measurements." end quote. _______._...1....._ On behalf of the study committee, I present the fOllowing motion for your consideration: Be it Resolved: That the New Hanover County Board of Health not participate in the WIC program. Recognizing the importance of good nutrition for all people, the com- mittee has an alternative proposal to make. We propose that the Board of Health seek funds to employ a nutritionist and structure our own program to aid county residents to more wisely utilize their food resources and funds. In such a program we could use our same clinics and referring physicians as a source of referral for those at NUTRITIONAL RISK and we could have the Priority Criteria reworked by our local medical advisors. Such a program would be totally under our control. This program would differ from WIC in three major ways: 1) There would be no food supplement dispensed by the Board of Health. Where applicable we would encourage the use of parti- cipants Food Stamps or food money to purchase foods prescribed by the nutritionist. 2) The full cost of this nutritionist would be carried by the taxpayers of New Hanover County. 3) For a much smaller expenditure of $12,000 to $15,000 we would hope to offer nutritional guidelines to a much larger segment of of our population. Therefore, The Study Committee presents the following motion for your consideration: Be It Resolved: That the New Hanover County Board of Health request funds from the County Commissioners in this years budget request to employ a nutritionist and to establish a nutritional educational program in the county. Respectively Submitted, Roma Lee Hall Murray Seidel James E. Furr, Jr. WIC Study Committee 007e8 MINUTES OF BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING - SPECIAL CALLED MEETING - March 28, 1978 .-......... Present: All Members of the Board -- Budget: This special meeting was called to act on the proposed budget for 1978-79. The budget committee ( Dr. Murray Seidel, Mr. Deother Melvin, Dr. James Furr and Mr. R. E. Carter) had met for a total of at least six hours to consider ways of reducing the budget. Dr. Seidel made the budget presentation as proposed by the committee. The committee asked that all new positions requested be eliminated from the budget and that for this year the merit raises not be granted. Since the WIC Committee had tabled their report until the budget was dis- cussed, Dr. Furr again presented the recommendations of this committee in the form of motions. Mr. Reaves seconded the motions. Motions as presented were as fo II ows : I. That we not participate in the WIC Program. This motion failed by a five to four vote. 2. That we request funds to employ a nutritionist and establish our own nutrition program. This motion was defeated by a unanimous vote. After much discussion on the WIC Program and the above votes - motion was made that debate be cut off. Motion carried. r . - Mr. Melvin made a motion that the New Hanover County Board of Health accept the WIC Program on a one year pilot basis - under the direction of the Board of Health and not in conjunction with Region "0". Motion was seconded by Dr. Seidel. The vote was tied - four and four. The Chairman of the Board asked that he be allowed to seek legal advice and asked that final vote be delayed until the April 5th meeting. All members of the Board were in agree- ment that this be done. Dr. Seidel made a motion that the budget be accepted as recommended by the budget committee, subject to audit corrections. This was seconded by Mrs. Hall. Motion carried with all members voting YES - with the exception of Mrs. Wright who abstained since she is a member of the County Commission. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Approved' April 5, 1978 Respectfully submitted, 7Yl~ 73 :fJ~ -