New Hanover County LEPC Minutes 8.10.2016New Hanover County LEPC Minutes August 10, 2016 @ NHC EOC The following persons signed the roster indicating they were in attendance: NAME BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS Mark Venters GE Hitachi Ricky Gibbs NHC Environmental Health Steve Mason WFD Steve Mason WFD Frank Meyer New Hanover Co Fire Elizabeth Meyer INVISTA Teresa Smith New Hanover Co EM Billy Howard NHRMC EMS Tommy Grady NHCSO David Solerzano NC Ports Tommy Batson Pender Co. EM Chad Mallett NC Ports Randy Wright S & R Gneeda Hopkins ARC Eric Hatcher CFPUA Patricia Lawler ARC Elias Galloway Alcami Corporation John Mote HEPACO Jim Batey Zulu Marine Alex Batey Zulu Marine Heather Griffin NHC Health Dept. Welcome and Introductions: The 3rd quarter meeting, held at the NHC Emergency Operations Center, was called to order at 11:00 hours starting with introductions. Membership announcements: Teresa Smith discussed LEPC membership information for the upcoming November meeting so this can be sent to the State. Meeting members were reminded that each entity has one voting member with one proxy to stand-in as necessary. The November meeting should also address sub-committee meetings and members. Eric Hatcher reminded members of the fall HazMat exercise at CFPUA Station 6 which they will oversee and allow City of Wilmington personnel to participate in. Minutes: A review of meeting minutes from the meeting on May 11th, 2016 resulted in approval. Open Forum: Frank Meyer, Steve Mason, Teresa Smith and others discussed the methanol leak exercise held at the airport, and indicated the use of few simulations was good, temperatures were very hot, there were good transitions with unified command, and the scope turned out larger than expected but remained better organized based on efforts by Teresa Smith and Steven Still of NH Co EM. Other key comments included that objectives were met, road needs provided by forestry & the airport demonstrated a great networking of resources, and even though response was slow due to getting people on-scene, overall the exercise was a success with lessons learned and take aways. Thanks to CSX for providing refresher training. New Business: Prior to the start of new business, Hepaco surprised the LEPC with a pizza lunch so a short break was taken for those to grab lunch before the meeting continued. A preliminary discussion centered around the explosive industry presenting at the November meeting about upcoming change requests for the State Ports. The discussion resulted in various questions from various members centered around what should be presented like the allowable explosive weight limits, explosive radius and risk, existing regulations, and various other topics. It was determined that no public meeting was currently planned. Follow-up discussions were planned with explosive industry representatives. Mark Venters discussed upcoming offsite agency training at the GEH Wilmington site with New Hanover County Sheriff, Fire and Emergency Management invited, plus Wilmington Fire Hazmat and New Hanover Regional Medical Center EMS invited. Eric Hatcher presented information on illegal dumping events in NC, with specifics on one event that occurred in Charlotte Mecklenburg County area where PCBs were dumped into a manhole that resulted in millions of dollars in damage and recovery expenses for water systems. The perpetrator was eventually caught by the FBI. This type of impact to CFPUA in New Hanover Co could result in rate increases for cost recovery. Teresa Smith discussed remainder Tier II Grant funds and recommended use for public outreach, and the LEPC discussed various outreach methods and their apparent successes. After new business completed, the meeting was adjourned. Sub-Committee Breakout Summaries: None Next LEPC Meeting: The 4th quarter LEPC meeting is scheduled for November 9th @ 11:00am at the NHC EOC. The meeting agenda will address annual business meeting items as well as include a presentation by the Institute of Makes of Explosives. LEPC Committees: Executive Committee  Chairman- Kevin Cowan  Vice-Chairman- William Murrell III / Jay Gainer  Secretary- Mark Venters Emergency Planning & Response Sub-Committee:  Chairman- Vacant  Members: Eric Hatcher, Mike Alexander, Jay Gainer, Billy Murrell, Frank Meyer, Linda Willis Community Education & Public Response Sub-Committee:  Chairman- Dianne Harvell  Members- Charles Smith, Eric Griffin, Teresa Smith, Linda Willis