7491 MARKET STREET CONDITIONAL REZONING APPLICATION    Revised: 3/7/2022  ROCKPORT @ WEST BAY ESTATES Conditional Rezoning Narrative    Introduction    The original developer of Rockport, Dallas Harris Land Company, LLC,  retains ownership of the US Highway 17 frontage, 7491 Market Street, as  shown on Map Book 34, Page 2 of the New Hanover County Registry.  The  1.15‐acre tract is located at the corner of Market Street, US Highway 17  South and Torchwood Blvd.  The Landowner proposes a Conditional  Rezoning from its present R‐15 zoning to CS, Commercial Services, zone.   The New Hanover County 2016 Comprehensive Plan promotes Community  Mixed Use consistent with this proposal for this area.   The adjacent  properties to the rear and north east side are presently zoned R‐15.  The  property across Market Street is zoned O&I and B‐2.  The property to the  southwest side of the property is zoned B‐2.  The developer proposes a  twenty‐four hundred square feet bank building with driveway on  Torchwood as well as Market Street, US Highway 17.  The development will  include parking, sufficient storm drainage and detention pond as shown by  the attached Conditional Rezoning Plan.  This property has traditionally  served as a buffer to the highway for the residential subdivision.  The  subdivision was originally recorded with a twenty feet wide buffer on its  periphery.  The proposed commercial development will dedicate a buffer  along the subdivision boundary.  The buffer will be atleast twenty feet wide  as originally required for the residential performance subdivision.  The  buffer will utilize fence and plantings to create an opaque screen to the  new development as well as the highway.  The new buffer will merge with  the existing buffer on its southern end.  The new development will buffer  Torchwood Boulevard either side of the driveway to create an attractive  street scape.  All new buffers will be the maintenance responsibility of the  new development.       Torchwood Blvd. is considered the primary access serving the  proposed bank’s drive through windows. The primary access will be from  Market Street US Highway 17.   This development concept is consistent  with the New Hanover County Comprehensive Land Use Plan with regards  to a mix of small scale compact uses serving all modes of travel.     Existing Use    The property is currently undeveloped.  The property has been  known to have homeless encampments.               Proposed Uses    The proposed CS zoning is to intended to enable a commercial bank  building with a 20 feet wide buffer to the rear for the Rockport at West Bay  Estates residential community.  The commercial use is intended to serve  and compliment the neighborhood.  The project will maintain and improve  existing drainage patterns as well as manage the stormwater runoff in  accordance with state and county requirements.  There are no existing  wetlands on the property.  Grading will be limited to only that necessary for  drainage to the existing stormwater along US Highway 17.     In consideration of the concerns raised at the June 8th, 2021  community meeting the plan has been revised to now show traffic flow  from Torchwood Blvd. and US Highway 17, Market Street, to Market Street.   The proposed drainage now shows a pond to address the citizen’s concerns  as well.  The community meeting was a bit contentious however we feel  beneficial to the process and the plan.        DALLAS HARRIS LAND COMPANY, LLC 7491 MARKET ST., WILMINGTON, NC ROCKPORT AT WEST BAY ESTATES CONDITIONAL REZONING FROM R-15 TO CS Community Meeting Report One required community meeting was held on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the Ogden Park Picnic Shelter #1 in New Hanover County, North Carolina. This meeting was organized by Stroud Engineering, PA to provide adjoining residents an opportunity to review the proposed plan, ask questions, and voice concerns regarding the proposed conditional use rezoning. The residents were notified by mail of the meeting concerning the proposed rezoning. There were at least eight adjoining residents that attended the meeting. Stroud Engineering, PA represented three on the applicant’s behalf to address any questions, log the minutes and assist the process. The owner, Dallas Harris and his wife as well as his realtor, two members of the Rockport Homeowners Association and Nicole Smith, the New Hanover County Planner were in attendance as well. A reporting of the attendees is attached. Primary concerns were traffic, drainage and pedestrian safety. The majority of the comments and concerns were from the adjoining Rockport Subdivision residents. General questions (and the answers provided) are included below: Traffic : Traffic was the main concern regarding the proposed commercial use on a rather busy access to Market Street. There are planned driveways on both Torchwood Blvd. and Market Street. There are North Carolina Department of Transportation planned and funded right of way improvements on Market Street that should improve the accessibility and reduce the wait times. There is also an approved development to the west that will provide a connection to Gordon Road which should reduce the amount of traffic desiring to access Market. Another concern noted was the site distance turning off Torchwood Blvd. south bound onto Market St. US Highway 17. The NCDOT project mentioned above will address and improve both of these concerns. There was noted concern that rush hour traffic may queue beyond the proposed driveway into the existing subdivision. Clients traveling South on Market can use the Market Street driveway as opposed to getting blocked by the potential queuing. There was concern of increased accidents and back-ups from a new driveway into the proposed commercial building as Market Street is always backed up. The projects mentioned above will address and improve both of these concerns. Drainage: Concerns were also expressed regarding the drainage in the area. The streets in Rockport have historically flooded as a result of Florence and other significant hurricanes. The NCDOT project on Market Street has significant planned drainage improvements at the Torchwood and Market intersection. The Realtor offered that he had the NCDOT plan for these improvements. Excerpt from the plan showing this intersection is hereby attached. There was suggestion that an issue exists with the culvert under Torchwood. The NCDOT project removes and replaces that existing 30 inch culvert. Safety: The Rockport community is also concerned with their safety due to increased amounts of traffic using Torchwood Blvd from Market St. to access numerous existing and proposed residential neighborhoods. This seems mostly a complaint of existing conditions however the proposed Commercial Site will likely be right in/right out of all driveways therefore not promoting traffic back into Rockport. Various questions:  When will the construction start?  Deed concern  Buffer restrictions./ Trees (Existing and Proposed)  Retention Pond Location  Bypass  Other ideas for alternate traffic outlets? Community Meeting Report by: Stroud Engineering, P.A. 102-D Cinema Dr. Wilmington, NC 28403