2020-10-08 Meeting Minutes�}NTY.� AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY x ° Non -County Agency Funding Committee 3 Virtual on Teams App, Recorded Thursday, October 8, 2020, 9:00 a.m. .FSTARLIGHEC� \�L�• 071 yM IMMI MAZI In Attendance: Gwen Hill, Scott Steinhilber, Michelle Daniels, Neil Lewis, Randy Reeves, Fred Gainey, Elizabeth DeBiasi, and Gail Eddie 1. Introduction of new Budget Officer, Michelle Daniels Scott introduced Michelle and everyone welcomed her to the committee. 2. Funding Committee Openings/Reappointments Gwen thanked Fred for reapplying and being reappointed to the committee. There are currently two openings: faith -based and public safety/judicial. They are actively being advertised by the commissioners' office. 3. Review of Process for FY20-21 ADDlications and Chanees to FY21-22 Instructions and Application At the end of last fiscal year's funding process, it was suggested that we ask the agencies to choose which bucket they believe their program should be in. So this will be added for FY21-22. Elizabeth made a suggestion that we add a question asking how Covid-19 has impacted their agency and after much discussion it was decided in addition to this question, we would also ask if the agency applied for and/or received/did not receive any stimulus/CARES Act money due to Covid-19 and how much, if received. Gwen let the committee know that she will be changing page 5/7 to look more like the reporting form which will give the agencies more space to enter their measures, which is something the agencies have asked for. The agencies have also asked for more space to enter their responses but the committee says they addressed this a couple of years ago and feels the space allotted is sufficient for concise, to -the -point answers, which is addressed in the application instructions. It was asked if we had an amount yet for the agency funding. Gwen said we do not. 4. Summary of Non-Countv Aeencv Performance for FY19-20 Gwen provided the committee with the FY19-20 End -of -Year Reporting Summary. A lot of the targets and expenditure performances were not met because of Covid-19. Some agencies had their programs outside, i.e. One Love Tennis and First Tee, while others had to close their doors because social distancing was not possible and because of inside gathering restrictions. Gwen noticed that The Rev. Dr. MILK, Jr., SENC Celebration Committee, Inc. reporting had not been updated on the report. She will update this information and send the report back to the committee. The question was asked whether the agencies receive all of their funding up front. Gwen explained the process to the committee which is spelled out in the contract where the agency receives their funding in two payments. Reporting is due mid -year and year-end but funding disbursement is not held up until reports are received. Several other questions were asked: Does an agency receive all of their funding if their events or programs were canceled or performance is not met? and What happens if agency doesn't ever turn in their financials for the second payment, do they keep the first payment? Gwen explained that this has not happened in the past; the county has not ever requested a refund on the funding back due to non-performance. The committee stated this is something they may need to discuss in the future due to Covid-19, hurricanes or any other things that may come up. Draft calendar for FY21-22 Gwen presented the calendar and asked committee to please look over meeting dates and times. Gwen requested that some members be available to attend the agency training. An invite will be sent to all members for the training. No changes to the calendar were presented. 6. Survey of Non -County Agencies Scott went over the FY19-20 survey and the results. Most everything that was requested or talked about in the survey has been added to the funding application. It was decided the survey would be sent out next week for the FY20-21 process, using the same questions. In the future, the survey will be sent out closer to the end of the funding process while the process is still fresh on the agencies minds. The committee said they thought it was always a good idea to send a survey to see how the agencies feel about the funding process. 7. Non -County Agency Training The committee asked if all the agencies have attended the training in the past and whether to make it required that they attend. Gwen said she has had the agencies sign in when they've attended training and no they all have not attended. It was discussed that agencies should attend the training especially when something has changed on the application. It was decided that a question would be asked on the application if the agency attended or viewed this year's training and if they attended in previous years. On the email that is sent to the agencies it will say "it's highly recommended that you attend/view the training before beginning the application because of a few changes made to the application since last fiscal year." In the years where there are major changes to the application we'll say "it is highly recommended that you attend/view the training because there have been major changes to the application." Scott discussed what would be talked about in the training. Emphasis will be on financial statements/audits, agency buckets and what's not eligible to be funded. 8. Adiourn and Other Notes The next meeting is Thursday, October 22 at 9:00 a.m. We will be looking at the survey results, the application changes and some rubric changes that were recommended last year. Neal asked if Gwen would provide the report on the agency's past funding to the committee. IRA