2021-03-18 Meeting Mintuest-z TV, : C I NEW HANOVER COUNTY Non -County Agency Funding Committee Virtual on Teams App Thursday, March 18, 2021, 9:00 am Meeting Minutes In Attendance: Gail Eddie, Fred Gainey, Neal Lewis, Randy Reeves, Elizabeth DeBiasi, Gwen Hill, Scott Steinhilber, and Michelle Daniels Not In Attendance: Buddy Brooks-Working/getting ready for inclement weather expected this afternoon Agenda Item Presenter Discuss Rubric Scoring Scott Steinhilber The committee has $931,160 to allocate for FY21.22. Funding requests total $1,110,902. Scott compiled all the scoring onto one spreadsheet after the committee submitted their rubric spreadsheets. He also made a scatter plot of the results. Make Final FundinLy Recommendations Committee Members A cap of $50,000 was put on the programs. The top scoring or Tier 1 programs were recommended for 90% of their requested amount as were the Tier 2 programs. Tier 3 programs were recommended for 70% of their requested amounts. The committee is recommending total funding of $930,774 for FY21.22 with all requested programs being funded. Since the committee completed the funding allocation at this meeting the meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 25 will be cancelled. Gwen will let the committee know if a member will need to present the recommendations at the public hearing with the commissioners in enough time to have input from all members and do a PowerPoint presentation. Gwen will schedule a meeting in July for all to go over a list of things that need to be addressed before the application process starts for FY22-23.