HomeMy WebLinkAboutTA23-02 - Community Meeting Guidelines - PB Draft2023-05 Planning Board Public Hearing Draft Changes made in response to public comment indicated by strikethrough and underlined blue text. 1 Community Meeting Guidelines New Hanover County Planning & Land Use Purpose The purpose of this document is to outline the administrative requirements and recommended best practices for communicating and holding community meetings that fulfill the Community Information Meeting requirement pursuant to UDO Section 10.2.3. Meeting Scheduling Requirements A. Applicants must hold an in-person and/or virtual community information meeting prior to submitting their application, but not earlier than six months prior to application submittal. B. The meeting must begin no earlier than 5:00 PM and no later than 8:00 PM on a weekday or no earlier than 10:00 AM and no later than 7:00 PM on a weekend. C. The meeting must not be held on a Sunday morning, holiday, a holiday weekend, or the day before a holiday or holiday weekend. A holiday is defined as legal holidays recognized by New Hanover County. D. The meeting must be scheduled and noticed for at least an hour. Recommendations A. Applicants are expected to consider the demographics and schedule of meeting attendees when determining a date and time for scheduling a meeting. For instance, community meetings in neighborhoods with large numbers of retirees may be appropriate during daytime hours, but in other instances it would be more appropriate to begin meeting no earlier than 5:00 PM and no later than 8:00 PM on a weekday or no earlier than 10:00 AM and no later than 7:00 PM on a weekend. B. Applicants are encouraged to consider religious or cultural holidays that may not be legal holidays recognized by New Hanover County staff if appropriate given the demographics of a community. C. Applicants are encouraged to schedule community information meetings early enough in advance of anticipated application deadlines to allow for a properly noticed additional meeting in case the initial meeting must be cancelled or further discussions with community members is desired. 2023-05 Planning Board Public Hearing Draft Changes made in response to public comment indicated by strikethrough and underlined blue text. 2 Meeting Content Requirements A. Applicants must present the following information during their meeting: a. A clear explanation of the proposal, including the proposed zoning district(s), potential uses, and number of residential units and/or density, as applicable; b. An explanation of the type of review process involved (i.e., public hearings or preliminary forums required for conditional rezoning, planned development rezoning, or special use permit as applicable); c. When the application is anticipated to be submitted; d. How interested parties can stay informed and engaged in the process; and e. The applicant’s contact information. B. The Planning Director may designate staff to attend the meeting to observe or answer procedural questions. Recommendations A. While county staff do not generally attend these meetings to avoid potential unofficial feedback on a proposed project, the Planning Director may designate staff to attend the meeting to observe or answer procedural questions if determined to be appropriate. B. The applicant is encouraged to obtain information from the Planning Department regarding the review process that can be used to inform residents of the next steps. Meeting Format Requirements Applicants may choose the format for a community meeting—virtual, in-person, or hybrid—following the requirements below. A. Virtual Meetings a. Virtual community meetings must be held using an interactive online video conferencing software such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, WebEx, or other similar platforms as approved by the Planning Director. b. As some members of the public do not have internet access or are otherwise unable to access digital platforms, the meeting platform must have the ability for attendees to call into the conference using a telephone. If a platform can only be accessed via the internet, it cannot be used to hold the virtual meeting. 2023-05 Planning Board Public Hearing Draft Changes made in response to public comment indicated by strikethrough and underlined blue text. 3 c. Those who access the meeting via telephone must be given the same information, graphics, maps, and any other pertinent information as those accessing the meeting via the internet. If the applicant intends to screen share presentation slides or graphics during the video conference, that material must be included in hardcopy format in the virtual meeting notification packet should be made available to those who access the meeting via telephone before the meeting if requested. d. Meeting attendees, whether online or on the phone, must have an opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns about the proposal. e. The meeting must be held open for a minimum of one hour regardless of the number of participants that attend. B. In-Person Meetings a. In-person venues must be held at one of the following locations: i. On the subject property; or ii. At a nearby public meeting place such as a school, library, community center, place of worship, or other meeting facility that is easily identified by the public; or iii. At a publicly accessible approved by the Planning Director or designee. b. During times of public health concern, meetings must follow current health and safety recommendations issued by the Center of Disease Control and/or local health officials. If in-person meetings are permitted during times of public health concern, they must be held in venues large enough to allow participants to gather safely, and all proper safety and cleaning measures must be taken, including providing masks or other protective supplies to participants. c. Meeting venues must provide ADA compliant accessibility for meeting attendees. d. Meeting venues should provide sufficient safe and accessible parking for attendees. e. Meetings should provide an opportunity for questions and comments of attendees either during the meeting itself or in writing so they can be addressed later. If questions are addressed outside of the meeting, responses should be provided in the community meeting report submitted with the development application. C. Hybrid Meetings a. Hybrid meetings must meet the requirements of both virtual and in-person meetings, excepting that the call-in feature does not have to be provided for the virtual meeting and presentation slides and graphics do not have to be included in hardcopy format in the virtual meeting notification packet. Recommendations A. Applicants are expected to consider the accessibility of in-person meeting sites for attendees. For instance, while in some instances meetings at the subject site help inform the discussion, 2023-05 Planning Board Public Hearing Draft Changes made in response to public comment indicated by strikethrough and underlined blue text. 4 they are likely inappropriate if the site is difficult to get to or has limited space for attendee parking. Meeting spaces that do not allow for access for disabled attendees would also be inappropriate. B. The selection of virtual meetings should consider the attendees’ access to the necessary internet infrastructure and the likelihood of their having personal devices that make access possible. Meeting Notice Requirements Applicants must provide notice of a neighborhood meeting as follows: A. The applicant must utilize the meeting notice template developed by the Planning Department and include a description of the proposal, including all potential uses being requested and the number and/or maximum density of residential units, and a map showing the location of the subject property and highlighting the parcels of the property owners who were required to be notified of the proposal. B. The mailing shall also include a conceptual site plan of the proposal clearly labeling structures and site features such as parking areas and proposed vegetative buffers. C. The notice must include paper copies (in color) of any graphics or slides that will be presented by the applicant if the meeting is being held only on a virtual platform. D. The applicant must provide the Planning & Land Use Department the information to access the meeting and a copy of the notification letter and materials at least 10 days prior to the scheduled meeting in a digital format so it can be shared with the email Sunshine List. If the Planning Director or designee must approve the location of an in-person meeting, the information should be provided a minimum of 15 days in advance to allow for staff review and approval before mailing. E. Notice must be sent by first class mail to all property owners within 500 feet of the subject tax parcel or leased site at least ten days prior to the date of the community meeting. Recommendations A. Applicants are encouraged to provide Planning & Land Use Department staff a list of residents and property owners notified of the Community Information Meeting to allow staff to answer citizen questions related to who should have received notice. B. Staff can assist in preparing a list of property owners required to be notified, but applicants are encouraged to request this information at least five business days in advance of when the list is needed. C. Applicants are encouraged to send first class mailed notice further in advance than the ten day minimum to ensure recipients receive far enough in advance of the meeting to allow for them to reschedule as needed so they are able to attend if desired. 2023-05 Planning Board Public Hearing Draft Changes made in response to public comment indicated by strikethrough and underlined blue text. 5 Post Meeting Procedures A. The applicant must submit the following materials to Planning staff as part of their initial application submittal: a. The designated Community Information Meeting Report form posted on the Planning & Land Use website; b. A list of names and addresses of attendees. For virtual meetings with over 50 attendees, applicants are allowed to provide a full recording in order to fulfill this requirement. For virtual participants, the applicant should create an attendance list by having each attendee verbally introduce themselves when they join the meeting or by having each attendee type their name in the meeting chat; c. A list of the names and addresses of invitees and copies of any returned mailings received as of the date of application; d. A copy of the meeting notification, including all attachments; and e. A copy of all materials distributed or presented at the meeting. B. The Planning Director may require a second meeting for projects that generate a high level of community interest or concern, when an application changes significantly, or if there is a defect in community meeting notice.