2023-06-20 Agenda NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS & GARDENS 896 Airlie Road · Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 798-7620 · (910) 798-7621 FAX · www.nhcgov.com PARKS CONSERVANCY BOARD AGENDA June 20, 2023 5:30 P.M. Airlie Cottage 896 Airlie Road 1. Call to Order Jessica Gray, President 2. Approval of February Minutes Jessica Gray 3. Financial Report Tanya Gurganious 4. Staff Report Tara D. /Tanya G. 5. Old Business/New Business 6. Adjournment NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS CONSERVANCY BOARD PAGE 2 REGULAR MEETING APRIL 18, 2023 ASSEMBLY The Parks Conservancy Board held its regular meeting on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 5:30pm at the Airlie Cottage. Present: Jessica Gray 鉌ltjtrê, Suzanne Werner, Dave Ellegood, Cheryl Hannah, Tess Osmer, Dana Lingenfelser, Rex Buford, Tony Pagrabs, and Mark Ihnat Absent: Cassidy Lamb Staff: Tara Duckworth, Tanya Gurganious, Andy Johnson, Latashia Smith, and Jodi Rich. Guests: Adam Martin and Sally Martin Art in the Park Artist WELCOME AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Jessica welcomed everyone in attendance and called the meeting to order. Cassidy provided notice that she would be absent from the meeting and was deemed excused. Hearing no objections to the February minutes being approved, the following motion was made: MOTION: Dana Lingenfelser MOVED; SECONDED Cheryl Hannah, that the February minutes be approved. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Financial Report. Total Liabilities and Equity $69,271.43 Donations: Plant An Azalea: $360 Memorial Bench at Smith Creek Park: $1500 Pump Track & Skills Course: $110 Jessica asked if anyone wanted to nominate themselves for the open spot of Treasurer. There were no nominees. She decided to table the discussion for later. Tanya introduced Sally Martin and her husband Adam Martin, the artists responsible for Art in the Park. She thanked the board for giving them the opportunity to create art in the park. She informed the board of her plans to go to Echo Farms to paint coy fish in a section of the sidewalk where water puddles to create an illusion of fish swimming in water. Adam had an idea to crowdsource creative ideas from children/people in the park that could be used as a fundraising opportunity. It could be pushed on the news or on social media. Tara felt that this would be a good way to gain exposure. Adam explained that the paint used for the art is semi-permanent and is only meant to last 6 to 8 months or it could be pressure washed off before then. He could add a layer over the art that would make it last considerably longer. With sun exposure, the art could last at least 2 years. Ideas were tossed around such as a scavenger hunt or partnering with the library. Tara informed the board that there was money in the beautification fund and needed their approval to use $1500 of that fund to repaint the art as it starts to fade. NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS CONSERVANCY BOARD PAGE 3 REGULAR MEETING APRIL 18, 2023 MOTION: Rex Buford MOVED SECONDED; Tess Osmer, that funds not to exceed $1500 be used for the upkeep of the art in the park. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Staff Report. Tara shared that she and Andy did a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the pump track at Northern Regional Park and they chose American Ramp Company. Their proposal consisted of asphalt and will be something like a street course on 8 acres. American Ramp has civil engineers on staff so the drawings can be stamped which will expedite the process. The project will be a design-build project. The process will be very similar to the Ogden Skate Park process. There will be public meetings and social media options for citizens to provide input on the design. Tara mentioned that she and Andy discussed having an all-wheel option pump track. This would enable the use of wheelchairs, skateboards, and BMX bikes. There was a lady with the Terry Benjey Bicycling Foundation at the county who asked Tara if bike racks were needed at the park or is she needed anything else. She felt that her organization could provide the funding needed for the bike racks. This organization educates the public on cycling safety on roads and bicycle handling. Tara discussed adding a skills course to the pump track track. If the board agrees to take on the skills course as their big project, Tara would approach the Terry Benjey Bicycling Foundation for possible funding of that portion. This would provide the foundation with the opportunity to teach people about bike safety. This process would also be similar to Ogden Skate Park. The county provided ½ of the funds for the skate park and the other half was raised by the Parks Conservancy. The non-profit was needed for the construction of the capital projects. Tara also discussed possibly having a fundraising subcommittee to talk about how to approach it because it is something that needs to be done quickly. With a design- build, not to exceed $350,000.00, only $175,000.00 would need to be raised. There are grants that can be applied to help with the fundraising goal. Tanya told the board members that if anyone had any sponsors who would like to donate to the project to give the names to Janine so that she can contact them. She also mentioned that Paul Smith, a former board member, is willing to do an event to raise funds as well. Tara reminded the board that there were board members who had signed up to be on the fundraising subcommittee of the Parks Conservancy Board and this subcommittee could meet outside of the regular meeting. Smith Creek is under design. Received approval for Parks and Recreation Trust Fund Grant for Smith Creek Park. Requesting 500k. rd The River Road Park pier is 75% complete. Should reopen by July 3. NEW HANOVER COUNTY PARKS CONSERVANCY BOARD PAGE 4 REGULAR MEETING APRIL 18, 2023 Hanover Pines is on schedule and is to be completed by October. Cheryl reminded everyone to volunteer for the Food Truck Rodeo. She also passed around flyers to be placed in the community. All food trucks have paid their fees except 3. Next Meeting. The next meeting will take place on August 15, 2023 at the Airlie Cottage. ADJOURNMENT Since there was no further business there was a motion to adjourn. MOTION: Dana Lingenfelser MOVED; SECONDED by Cheryl Hannah. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:26 pm. Respectfully submitted, Latashia Smith -Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Parks Conservancy Board meeting.