Meeting Minutes 02-09-23t-z T11 I \7SHNP In Attendance: NHC Staff Gwen Hill Scott Steinhilber Michelle Daniels Eric Credle NEW HANOVER COUNTY Non -County Agency Funding Committee Harrell Conference Room #601 Thursday, February 9, 2023, 9:00 am Meeting Minutes Not In Attendance: Fred Gainey -Committee Member, Excused Buddy Brooks -Committee Member, Not Excused Committee Members Randy Reeves Elizabeth DeBiasi Shane Hartley Clare Kiley Gail Eddie Everyone at the conference table introduced themselves. Clare was welcomed to the committee. Elizabeth DeBiasi read the announcement. Agenda Item Presenter 1. Mid -Year Performance Reports for FY22.23 Agencies Gwen Hill Gwen told the committee that the only things that stood out on the mid -year reports were agencies that did not spend the county funding because they spent funds from other sources. There were other agencies that received their funding as late as November. This was because of county staff changes and contracts running behind. The agencies said they'd be able to spend all of their funds by June 30. 2. Go through Applications and Discuss Any Additional Questions for Agencies Committee The committee went through about 21 of the applications and had discussions on each. They gave Gwen the questions to send to the agencies. Gwen has scheduled another meeting to complete this on February 21, and 22 if needed. 3. Review Bucket Choices Committee Committee did not get to this but will do at the next meeting. 4. Other Discussions Gwen talked about the Social Impact Fund 3-year pilot ending this current fiscal year and that those three agencies applied for funding for FY23-24. She discussed the applications being set up on the county website on November 9, and then the county moved to a new website in December. When that happened, the applications would no longer work correctly. One couldn't submit the application and some of the other features would not work. So, the decision was made to put the updated pdf form like was used in previous years back on the website to be used. Gwen said she has seen a forms module that goes with the new website that she hopes we'll be able to obtain and use for next year. Michelle let everyone know that allocation amount had not been decided on yet. She and Eric were still in talks with management. Notes: Next meeting is Thursday, March 2, 2023, at 9 am to review questions/answers from agencies, bucket choices and to discuss any requests not eligible for funding.