HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 02-19-2024NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175, Wilmington, NC 28403 P. (910) 798-7149 1 F: (910) 798-7145 1 NHCgov.com Bill Rivenbark, Chair I LeAnn Pierce, Vice -Chair Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Commissioner I Dane Scalise, Commissioner I Rob Zapple, Commissioner FEBRUARY 19, 2024 9:00 AM LOCATION (NHC Historic Courthouse, 24 North 3rd Street, Room 301) MEETI NG CALLED TO ORDER (Chair Bill Rivenbark) I NVOCATI ON (Pastor Tim Blevins, Life Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Dane Scalise) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval of Quitclaim Deed to Town of Carolina Beach 3. Adoption of Budget Amendments ESTIMATED MINUTES REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 10 4. Presentation of Service Awards and Introduction of New Employees 10 5. Presentation of Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) Annual Report for 2023 6. Consideration of New Hanover County to act as Fiscal Agent and Administer a Grant 5 from the New Hanover Community Endowment to the New Hanover County District Attorney's Office 7. Presentation of the Pages Creek Watershed Restoration Plan 10 8. Consideration of New Hanover County Language Access Plan 10 9, Presentation of Fiscal Year 2023-2024 — Financial Results thru 12/31/23 10 10. Committee Appointment 5 PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON -AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) ESTI MATED MINUTES ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 11. Additional Items County Manager Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 12. ADJOURN Note: Minutes listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Mission New Hanover County is committed to providing equitable opportunities and exceptional public services through good governance to ensure a safe, healthy, secure and thriving community for all. Vision A vibrant, prosperous, diverse coastal community committed to building a sustainable future for future generations. Core Values Professionalism - Equity- Integrity - Innovation - Stewardship - Accountability Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 2/19/2024 Consent DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board CONTACT(S): Kym Crowell SU BJ ECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Agenda Review held on February 1, 2024 Regular Meeting held on February 5, 2024 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: • Good Governance o Effective County Management ■ Increase transparency and awareness about county actions RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:2/19/2024 Consent DEPARTMENT: County Attorney PRESENTER(S): Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney CONTACT(S): Kemp Burpeau SU BJ ECT: Approval of Quitclaim Deed to Town of Carolina Beach BRIEF SUMMARY: The Town of Carolina Beach has requested that the County convey its joint interest in parcel located on the Boardwalk upon which the Town has built a restroom. The Town was not previously aware that the County is a titled co-owner. The land was previously acquired in 1973 through foreclosure action for delinquent Town and County taxes. The Town is currently addressing threatened or actual litigation relating to its Boardwalk. County conveyance would expedite that process and avoid the County becoming a named party in the litigation. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: • Good Governance o Effective County Management ■ Increase transparency and awareness about county actions RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Authorize County Manager to execute Quitclaim Deed to Town for Tax Parcel R09006-021-001-000, 9 Boardwalk, pursuant to G.S. 160A, Article 12, Sale and Deposition of Property, without cash consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Quitclaim Deed COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 2 Prepared by: CRAIGE & FOX PLLC Preparer has not searched title and makes 701 Market Street no representations thereof. Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Revenue Stamps: $0.00 Parcel ID Number: R09006-021 -001 -000 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER QUITCLAIM DEED THIS QUITCLAM DEED, made this day of February, 2024, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY ("Grantor") and Town of Carolina Beach, a duly chartered municipality within New Hanover County, (the "Grantee"), whose address is 1121 N. Lake Park Blvd, Carolina Beach, NC 28428. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, by Sheriffs Deed dated the 27th November 1973, and recorded on November 28, 1973 in Deed Book 990, Page 46 of the New Hanover County Registry, Grantor and Grantee became tenant in common owners of certain property more particularly described on Exhibit A ("Property"); and WHEREAS, Grantor desires to convey its 42.7% interest in the Property to the Grantee; Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 1 NOW, THEREFORE, Grantor, for valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey, remise, release, and forever quitclaim unto the Grantee and its heirs and assigns all right, title, claim, and interest of the said Grantor in and to all those certain lots or parcels of land situated in the County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT A TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid property, and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee and his heirs and assigns, free and discharged of all right, title, claim, or interest of the Grantor or anyone claiming by, though, or under them. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing Quit Claim Deed as of the day and year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chris Coudriet, Manager ATTEST: Clerk to the Board STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER (SEAL) I, , a Notary Public, do hereby certify that Chris Coudriet, Manager of New Hanover County, personally appeared before me this day in the capacity indicated and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the day of February, 2024. My commission expires: _/_/. Notary Public Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 2 Beginning at a point in the %oath anr!ia of a twenty (20) root Street, (said Street being a proplangatton of Cape Fear soul"ard), beixA the northeast corner of Got Six (6); thence in a soathwaidjy directim+ with the eastern line of Lot Six (6) fifty (50) feet to a point, the northeast corner of Got Nine (9) thence with the northern UAe of tot Ten (10) seventeen and fifty -fire hnndtrdthe (17e55) feet to s point the northeast corner of. Lot ten (10) and the higb voter none of the Atlantic Ocean; thence vithjbe high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean north Fifty and Two -tenths (50.2) fact to a point in the swath "Mon of acid twenty (20) foot Street; thence west with the sown► line of said Street Twenty One cad Ylre-tenths (21.S) feet to the point of begla dnA; the sans bring known and designated as lot Nuaber Severe (7) according to a amp of preperty conreyed by P. Q. Moore and We to J. We Efird, by deed dated July 81 19* which said dead is recorded In book 173 at page 330; and which said imp is entitled *Section of Carolina Death", prepared by J. L. Breton, C. X., Jaly 1926, and which said ettp is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County in Nap Dock 2 at page 104, to which said asp reference is hereby had for a Wort tosplKe description of the not herein CM9Je 6 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:2/19/2024 Consent DEPARTMENT: Budget PRESENTER(S): Eric Credle, Chief Financial Officer CONTACT(S): Eric Credle and Michelle Daniels, Budget Officer SU BJ ECT: Adoption of Budget Amendments BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendments amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024: 24-045 - Library - Federal Library Services and Technology Act grant awarded by the State Library of NC. $3,362 24-046 - HHS-Health - National Environmental Health Association -Food & Drug Administration Retail Flexible Funding Model Grant Program. $17,554 24-047 - HHS-Health - NC Department of Health & Human Services funding to improve COVI D-19 vaccine access for uninsured and underinsured adults. $142,842 24-048 - Bike & Pedestrian Path Capital Project - Moves budgeted funds to be used to relocate utilities impacted by the widening of an existing sidewalk into a multi -use path along Carolina Beach Road. $115,488 24-049 - Budgets funds received from the Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF) to be used for any general government purpose except lobbying activities. $100,000 24-050 - Bike & Pedestrian Path Capital Project - Budgets federal grant funds awarded by the WMPO for construction of the North College Road Trail. $1,840,000 24-051- Sheriff - Budgets Federal Forfeited Property interest earnings. $116,805 24-052 - Sheriff - Budgets Controlled Substance Tax receipts and interest income. $17,583 24-053 - Sheriff - Budgets vehicle insurance proceeds for two totaled vehicles to be replaced. $25,206 24-054 - Sheriff - Budgets overtime reimbursement for FBI and US Marshals Service. $11,136 24-055 - Library - Accepts State Aid to Public Libraries recurring funding. $41,450 24-056 - Mason Inlet Capital Project Fund - Adjustment for past contributions, interest income and grants. - ($311,878) 24-057 - Limited obligation bonds sold in 2020. Used to pay debt. 24-058 - HHS-Social Services - The Crisis Intervention Program and Low Income Energy Assistance Program has Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 changed from counties to the state paying one-time heating providers. - ($227,410) 24-059 - H HS-Social Services -Family Reunification funds made available to states. $7,093 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: • Good Governance o Strong Financial Performance ■ Proactively manage the county budget RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the ordinances for the budget amendments listed. ATTACHMENTS: 24-045, 055 24-046, 047 24-048 24-049 24-051 24-050 24-052 24-053, 054 24-056 24-057 24-058 24-059 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend adoption. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Good Governance Strategic Objective(s): Engage in and apply continuous leaming. Continuous focus on the customer experience. Fund: General Department: Library Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-045 - Library $ - $ 3,362 $ 3,362 BA 24-055 - Library $ - $ 41,450 $ 41,450 Total $ - 1 $ 44,812 $ 44,812 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-045 - LSTA Scholarship Grant $ $ 3,362 $ 3,362 BA 24-055 - State Aid to Public Libraries $ $ 41,450 $ 41,450 Total $ $ 44,812 $ 44,812 Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Today Departmental Budget $ 3,252,087 $ 3,296,899 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-045 accepts a federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant awarded by the State Library of NC in the amount of $3,362. This is a scholarship grant that will be used to fund employee attendance at a spring conference. There is no county match required for this grant. BA 24-055 increases the Library's budget by $41,450 due to the state increasing the county's funding. State Aid to Public Libraries is recurring funding from the state intended to promote, aid, and equalize public library service in North Carolina. The additional funding will be used to purchase library materials such as books and eBooks. There is no county match required for this grant. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-045 & 24-055 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Community Safety and Well Being Strategic Objective(s): Effectively and Efficiently respond to public health and safety demands. Fund: General Department: HHS-Health Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-046 FDA Grant $ - $ 17,554 $ 17,554 BA 24-047 DHHS COVID Bridge Access Prog $ - $ 142,842 $ 142,842 Total $ - 1 $ 160,39611$ 160,396 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-046 FDA Grant $ $ 17,554 $ 17,554 BA 24-047 DHHS COVID Bridge Access Prog S $ 142,842 $ 142,842 Total $ $ 160,396 1 $ 160,396 Prior to Actions Toda Departmental Budget $ 22,554,327 Total if Actions Taken $ 22,714,723 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-046 budgets funding provided by the National Environmental Health Association - Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Retail Flexible Funding Model Grant Program. This funding provides training and implementation of intervention strategies in response to risk factors identified in studies of food service establishments as well as to carry out quality assurance programs. No new positions are requested and no county match is required for this program. BA 24-047 budgets funding provided by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). This funding provides operational support to local health departments to improve COVID-19 vaccine access for uninsured and underinsured adults through participation in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Bridge Access Program. No new portions are requested and no county match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-046 & 24-047 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 1 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Good Governance Strategic Objective(s): Connxnmicate what the county does and why. Plan for the long-term financial health of the county. Fund: General Department: Planning and Land Use Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-048 Transfer Capital Project Fund S - $ 115,488 $ 115,488 BA 24-048 Capital Outlay $ (115,488) $ - $ (115,488) Total $ (115,488)1 $ 115,488 $ - Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Toda Departmental Budget $ 8,711,050 $ 8,711,050 Fund: Bike & Pedestrian Path Capital Project Department: Parks and Gardens Expenditure: Decrease I Increase 11 Total BA 24-048 Capital Project Expense $ 1 $ 115,48811$ 115,488 Total $ 1 $ 115,488 $ 115,488 Revenue: Decrease Increase 11 Total BA 24-048 Transfer from General Fund $ 115,48811 $ 115,488 Total $ $ 115,488 1 $ 115,488 Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Toda Bike & Pedestrian Path Cap Prej 1 $ 9,520,561 $ 9,636,049 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-048 moves budgeted funds from the General Fund into the Bike and Pedestrian Path Capital Project fund for approved uses. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is undertaking a project to widen an existing sidewalk into a multi -use path on Carolina Beach Road. In partnership with the NCDOT, New Hanover County will be responsible for relocation of any impacted utilities. Funds in the amount of $115,488 have been budgeted in the FY23-24 General Fund for this specific purpose. This amendment moves these funds into the Bike and Pedestrian Path Capital Project fund in alignment with the budgeting practices of similar projects. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-048 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 1 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Good Governance Strategic Objective(s): Conumnicate what the county does and why. Proactively manage the county budget. Fund: General Department: Finance Expenditure: Decrease I Increase 11 Total BA 24-049 Salary Expenses 1$ 100,00011 $ 100,000 Total $ - $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-049 Grant Revenue $ $ 50,000 $ 50,000 BA 24-049 Appropriated Fund Balance $ $ 50,000 S 50,000 Total $ $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Toda Appropriated Fund Balance $ 28,059,612 $ 28,109,612 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-049 budgets funds received from the U.S. Department of Treasury's Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF) in FY22-23 and FY23-24. These funds may be used for any general government purpose except for lobbying activities. This award amount will be used to support general government salary expenses in FY23-24. No county match is required and no new positions are being created. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-049 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 4 - 1 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Commnunity Safety and Well Being Strategic Objective(s): Effectively and Efficiently respond to public health and safety demands. Fund: Federal Forfeited Property Department: Sheriff Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-051 Supplies $ - $ 108,024 $ 108,024 BA 24-051 Training & Travel $ - $ 8,781 $ 8,781 Total $ - 1 $ 116,805 $ 116,805 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-051 Interest Earnings $ $ 3,743 $ 3,743 BA 24-051 Federal Forfeited Property $ $ 113,062 $ 113,062 Total $ $ 116,805 1 $ 116,805 Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Toda Departmental Budget $ 313,635 $ 430,440 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-051 budgets Federal Forfeited Property interest earnings for July through October, 2023 and receipts dated 1/23/24, 12/18/2023 and 11/28/2023. Funds will be used for supplies and training & travel for law enforcement purposes only. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-051 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 5 - 1 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Good Governance Strategic Objective(s): Conumnicate what the county does and why. Plan for the long-term financial health of the county. Fund: Bike & Pedestrian Path Capital Project Department: Parks and Gardens Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-050 Capital Project Expense $ - $ 1,840,000 $ 1,840,000 Total $ - $ 1,840,000 $ 1,840,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase 11 Total BA 24-050 Grant Revenue $ $ 1,840,000 $ 1,840,000 Total $ $ 1,840,000 $ 1,840,000 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-050 budgets federal grant funds awarded by the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) for construction of the North College Road Trail. This project, which is included in the county's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), creates a bike/pedestrian path from Gordon Road to Northchase Parkway West. A 20% match of these grant funds is required, which will be met with expenses that have been previously budgeted. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-050 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 6 - 1 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Community Safety and Well Being Strategic Objective(s): Effectively and Efficiently respond to public health and safety demands. Fund: Controlled Substance Tax Department: Sheriff Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-052 Supplies $ - $ 8,792 $ 8,792 BA 24-052 Training & Travel $ - $ 8,791 $ 8,791 Total $ - 1 $ 17,58-311 $ 17,583 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-052 Interest Earnings $ $ 492 $ 492 BA 24-052 Controlled Substance Tax $ $ 17,091 $ 17,091 Total $ $ 17,5831 $ 17,583 Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Today Departmental Budget $ 58,042 $ 75,625 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-052 budgets Controlled Substance Tax receipts dated 1/23/24, 12/21/23, 11/29/23, 11/9/23, 10/3/23 and interest income for July through October, 2023. Funds will be used for supplies and training & travel for law enforcement purposes only. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-052 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 7 - 1 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Commnunity Safety and Well Being Strategic Objective(s): Effectively and Efficiently respond to public health and safety demands. Fund: General Department: Sheriff Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-053 Capital Outlay -Motor Vehicles $ - $ 25,206 $ 25,206 BA 24-054 Overtime $ - $ 11,136 $ 11,136 Total $ - 1 $ 36,3421 $ 36,342 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-053 Insurance Proceeds $ $ 25,206 $ 25,206 BA 24-054 Misc Revenue $ $ 11,136 $ 11,136 Total $ $ 36,342 $ 36,342 Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Toda Departmental Budget $ 70,559,437 $ 70,595,779 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-053 budgets vehicle insurance proceeds for two totaled vehicles; a 2017 Nissan and 2011 Dodge Nitro. Funds will be used towards replacement vehicles. BA 24-054 budgets overtime reimbursement for FBI and US Marshals Service casework during September and November 2023. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-053 & 24-054 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 8 - 1 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Workforce and Economic Development Strategic Objective(s): Plan for the long-term needs of business, innovative programs & cormminity partnerships. Fund: Mason Inlet Capital Project Fund Department: Engineering Expenditure: Decrease I Increase 11 Total BA 24-056 Capital Project Expense $ (311,878) $ - $ (311,878) Total $ (311,878) $ - $ (311,878) Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-056 Contributions $ $ 214,792 $ 214,792 BA 24-056 Interest $ - $ 428,029 $ 428,029 BA 24-056 State Grants $ (954,699) $ - $ (954,699) Total $ (954,699) $ 642,821 $ (311,878) Prior to Actions Toda Mason Inlet CP Fund Budget $ 41 454 405 Total if Actions Taken $ 41,142,527 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-056 will adjust revenues for past contributions, interest income, and grants. The Mason Inlet Capital Project Fund is a multi -year fund; therefore, at year-end the remaining balances and budgets automatically roll to the next year. The fund has contributions from the Figure 8 Island Homeowner's Association, Inc.and interest earnings that are not currently budgeted. There are three prior year grants that are 100% complete and the grant project expenses were less than the grant awards. These grants were on a reimbursement basis; therefore, the actual grant revenues came in less than awarded. The fund's contingency expense line will be decreased by $311,878. This budget amendment is necessary to align actual revenues to the budget. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-056 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024 (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 9 - 1 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Good Governance Strategic Objective(s): Build capacity for data -driven decisions. Proactively manage the county budget. J Fund: General Fund Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-057 Interest $ - $ 118,462 $ 118,462 BA 24-057 Appropriated Fund Balance $ (1,227,884) $ - $ (1,227,884) Total $ (1,227,884) $ - 1$ (1,109,422) General Fund Approp Fund Bal Fund: Debt Service Fund Prior to Actions Toda $ 28,059,6 Total if Actions Taken $ 26 831 728 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-057 Transfer in from Capital Project Funds $ - $ 1,109,422 $ 1,109,422 BA 24-057 Transfer in from General Fund $ (1,109,422) $ - $ (1,109,422) Total $ (1,109,422)1 $ 1,109,422 $ - Prior to Actions Today Debt Service Fund Budget $ 53,485,330 Fund: Fire Rescue Total if Actions Taken $ 53,485,330 Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-057 Fire Rescue Expense $ - $ 71 $ 71 Total $ - $ 71 $ 71 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-057 Interest $ $ 916 $ 916 BA 24-057 Appropriated Fund Balance $ (845) $ - $ (845) Total $ (845) $ 916 $ 71 Prior to Actions Toda Fire Rescue Fund Approp Fund Bal 1 $ 944,360 Fund: C nnitnl Imnrovement Proiects C anital Prniect Fund Total if Actions Taken $ 943,515 Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-057 Transfer to Debt Service Fund $ - $ 14,227 $ 14,227 BA 24-057 Capital Project Expense $ (4,099) $ - $ (4,099) Total $ (4,099)1 $ 14,227 1 $ 10,128 Revenue: Decrease Increase 11 Total BA 24-057 Interest S $ 10,128 11 $ 10,128 Total $ $ 10,128 $ 10,128 Prior to Actions Today Capital Improvement Fund Budget 1 $ 119,692,791 Total if Actions Taken $ 119,702,919 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 10 - 1 Fund: Juvenile Justice Facility Capital Project Fund Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-057 Transfer to Debt Service Fund $ - $ 881,108 $ 881,108 BA 24-057 Capital Project Expense $ (740,853) $ - $ (740,853) Total $ (740,853)1 $ 881,108 $ 140,255 Revenue: I Decrease I Increase 11 Total BA 24-057Interest LL - 1 $ 140,25511$ 140,255 Total $ - $ 140,255 $ 140,255 Prior to Actions Toda Juvenile Justice Fund Budget $ 17,056,856 Fund: Airport Terminal Expansion Capital Project Fund Total if Actions Taken $ 17,197,111 Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-057 Transfer to Debt Service Fund $ - $ 214,087 $ 214,087 BA 24-057 Capital Project Expense $ (4,855) $ - $ (4,855) Total $ (4,855)1 $ 214,087 $ 209,232 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-057 Interest $ $ 209,232 11 $ 209,232 Total $ $ 209,232 $ 209,232 Prior to Actions Toda Airport Expansion Fund Budget $ 20,144,698 Fund: Recycling & Solid Waste Fund Total if Actions Taken $ 20,353,930 Expenditure: Decrease Increase 11 Total BA 24-057 Recycling & Solid Waste Expense $ - $ 810 11 $ 810 Total $ - $ 810 $ 810 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-057 Interest S - $ 813 $ 813 BA 24-057 Appropriated Fund Balance S (3) $ - $ (3) Total $ (3) $ 813 1 $ 810 Prior to Actions Toda Recyc & SW Approp Fund Bal $ 4,897,816 Total if Actions Taken $ 4,897,813 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-057 will close capital project funds and will account for project savings and interest earnings associated with 2020 limited obligations bonds (LOBS). Projects funded by the 2020 LOBS include: Echo Farms purchase as well as phases 1-3 of the renovations, Senior Resource Center renovations, an airport terminal expansion, the construction of the Juvenile Justice Facility, various projects including a water line in the General Fund, and equipment purchases for both Fire Rescue and Recycling & Solid Waste. All associated projects and purchases are complete. Interest earnings associated with the 2020 LOBS and project savings are required to be used to pay down the debt. The General Fund transfer to the Debt Service Fund will be reduced by interest earnings and project savings for all funds excluding the Fire Rescue fund and Recycling & Solid Waste fund since debt for both of these funds is paid directly from the respective fund and not the Debt Service Fund. Appropriated Fund Balance will be reduced by $1,227,884, $845, and $3 for the General Fund, Fire Rescue Fund, and Recycling & Solid Waste Fund, respectively. Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 10 - 2 Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-057 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024 (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 10 - 3 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Community Safety and Well Being Strategic Objective(s): Effectively and Efficiently respond to public health and safety demands. Fund: General Department: HHS-Social Services Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-058 LIEAP $ (1,788) $ - $ (1,788) BA 24-058 Crisis Intervention Program $ (225,622) $ - $ (225,622) Total $ (227,410) $ - $ (227,410) Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-058 LIEAP $ (1,788) $ - $ (1,788) BA 24-058 Crisis Intervention Program $ (225,622) $ (225,622) Total $ (227,410) $ - $ (227,410) Prior to Actions Total if Actions Taken Toda Departmental Budget $ 44,953,858 $ 44,726,448 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-058 The Crisis Intervention Program and Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) notified counties in August, 2023 that counties would issue a one-time supplement to eligible households' heating providers that received a payment during state fiscal year 2022-2023, and who are not registered with the state for direct deposit for the energy assistance program. However, the state has reversed these funds to issue these payments directly from the state level instead of at the local level. This budget amendment reflects this change. There is no county match required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-058 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 11 - 1 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Community Safety and Well Being Strategic Objective(s): Effectively and Efficiently respond to public health and safety demands. Fund: General Department: HHS-Social Services Expenditure. Decrease Increase 11 Total BA 24-059 Family Reunification $ - $ 7,093 $ 7,093 Total $ - $ 7,0931 $ 7,093 Revenue: Decrease I Increase I Total BA 24-059 Family Reunification $ - I $ 7,09311 $ 7,093 Total $ - I S 7,093 $ 7,093 Prior to Actions Toda Departmental Budget $ 4 453 858 Total if Actions Taken $ 4,460,9511 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-059 Family Reunification funds are made available to states through Title IVB-II of the Social Security Act to provide or purchase services to facilitate safe reunification for children in foster care. Services can be provided while children are in foster care and for up to 15 months after custody has been returned. Title IVB-II specifies the services for which these funds can be used are: individual, group and family counseling; inpatient, residential, or outpatient substance abuse treatment services; mental health services; assistance to address domestic violence; services designed to provide temporary childcare and therapeutic services for families, including crisis nurseries; peer -to -peer mentoring and support groups for parents and primary caregivers; services and activities designed to facilitate access to and visitation of children by parents and siblings; and transportation to or from any of the services and activities described above. The department has received $7,093 more in Family Reunification funding than originally anticipated for FY23-24. The department will continue to reinvest these funds in contract services designed to facilitate access to and visitation of children by parents and siblings.These capped funds are 100% federal and do not require a county participation match. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-059 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 3 - 12 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 2/19/2024 Regular DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PRESENTER(S): Commissioners and Chris Coudriet, County Manager CONTACT(S): Bo Dean, Human Resources Analyst SU BJ ECT: Presentation of Service Awards and Introduction of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: Service awards will be presented to retirees and employees. New employees will be introduced. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: • Good Governance o Internal business processes ■ Communicate what the county does and why RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Present service awards and meet new employees. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Present service awards and meet new employees. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 2/19/2024 Regular DEPARTMENT: County Manager PRESENTER(S): Kenneth Waldroup, CFPUA Executive Director CONTACT(S): Cammie Bellamy, CFPUA Public Information Officer, Kenneth Waldroup SU BJ ECT: Presentation of Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) Annual Report for 2023 BRIEF SUMMARY: Kenneth Waldroup will present the 2023 annual report for the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: • Good Governance o Effective County Management ■ Increase transparency and awareness about county actions RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: CFPUA Presentation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:2/19/2024 Regular DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Ben David, District Attorney and Eric Credle, Chief Financial Officer CONTACT(S): Ben David or Eric Credle SU BJ ECT: Consideration of New Hanover County to act as Fiscal Agent and Administer a Grant from the New Hanover Community Endowment to the New Hanover County District Attorney's Office BRIEF SUMMARY: In December 2023, the New Hanover Community Endowment (the "Endowment") announced a grant in the amount of $3,439,066 to the New Hanover County District Attorney's Office (the "DA") for the purpose of establishing a Community Justice Center ("CJC"). The CJC, which will be established as a 501(c)(3) organization, will be housed at the Harrelson Center across the street from the New Hanover County Courthouse. The CJC's multidisciplinary team of approximately two dozen professionals will include prosecutors, law enforcement, and direct service providers who will work to solve, prove, and prevent crime; support victims in achieving safety, stability, and self-sufficiency; provide mental health services and rehabilitation to reduce recidivism and improve community safety; and end the generational cycle of violence through early intervention, education, and prevention. The CJC will be open 24 hours a day. A portion of the grant funds will be paid to the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (the "NCAOC") to fund the salaries of eight DA employees and technology support and the remainder of the grant will be used to fund the CJC's operations and fulfill its mission. The grant funds are scheduled to be disbursed over three years. The Endowment and the DA have requested that New Hanover County Government ("NHC") serve as the pass-thru and fiscal sponsor of the grant in facilitating the transfer of the grant funds from the Endowment to the CJC and the NCAOC. Two agreements are proposed to address this arrangement as follows: 1. Grant Agreement Between NHC and the Endowment: This agreement primarily relates to NHC accepting responsibility to the Endowment that the funds will be used and accounted for appropriately. 2. Contract Between NHC, the DA and the CJC: This contract notes the pass-thru nature of NHC's role in the grant, outlines the use of funds, and obligates the DA and CJC to comply with the terms of the Endowment gra nt. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Community Safety & Well-being o The community supports a life that mitigates health and safety risks ■ Effectively and efficiently respond to public health and safety demands. Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approval of the grant, authorize the execution of the two agreements, and to adopt the associated budget amendment to receive and expend the grant funds. ATTACHMENTS: Budget Amendment 24-060 Contract Between New Hanover County & the District Attorney's Office & the Community Justice Center Grant Agreement Between New Hano\,er County and the North Carolina Community Endowment COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval and adopt budget amendment. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 AGENDA: February 19, 2024 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment(s) be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Good Governance Strategic Objective(s): Provide equitable, effective, and efficient customer -driven practices. Fund: General Department: District Attorney's Office Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 24-060 Contracted Services $ - $ 2,279,456 $ 2,279,456 BA 24-060 Community Justice Center $ - $ 1,159,610 $ 1,159,610 Total $ - 1 $ 3,439,06611 $ 3,439,066 Revenue: Decrease Increase 11 Total BA 24-060 New Hanover Comm Endowment S S 3,439,066 S 3,439,066 Total $ $ 3,439,066 $ 3,439,066 Section 2: Explanation BA 24-060 accepts $3,439,066 in grant funding from the New Hanover Community Endowment for disbursement to the New Hanover County District Attorney's Office to establish a Community Justice Center. New Hanover County accepts responsibility of ensuring the funds will be used and accounted for appropriately, and serves as a pass -through agent between the New Hanover Community Endowment and the District Attorney's Office and Community Justice Center. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s) 24-060 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, is adopted. Adopted, this 19th day of February, 2024. (SEAL) William E. Rivenbark, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 1 New Hanover County Contract # STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this AGREEMENT day of , 2024 by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, North Carolina, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter called "County"; the Office of the District Attorney for the 6th Prosecutorial District, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter called "DA"; and the New Hanover County Community Justice Center, Inc., hereinafter called "CJC". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, DA has been awarded $3,439,066 from the New Hanover Community Endowment, Inc., hereinafter called "Endowment" for the purpose of establishing and operating the CJC, a 501(c)(3) which will benefit the people of New Hanover County. WHEREAS, The County agrees to act as a fiscal sponsor, facilitating the transfer of grant funding from the Endowment to DA and CJC as specifically set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits inuring to the parties hereto, and based upon the mutual covenants herein and the considerations stated herein, the parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Purpose of Contract. County shall serve as a pass -through entity for the $3,439,066 grant from the Endowment to DA and CJC. In accordance with the attached, Amended Budget by DA to the Endowment, a portion of the funds will go to the Administrative Office of the Courts, herein after "AOC," to fund salaries of eight (8) DA office employees and technology support, hereinafter "DA Operations" and the remainder of the $3,439,066 budget will be transferred by County directly to the CJC to fund its operations and fulfill its mission, hereinafter "CJC Operations." County hereby agrees to sponsor and assume Pagel of 7 Account # Requisition # Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 1 New Hanover County Contract # administrative, programmatic, financial, and legal responsibility of DA Operations for the limited purposes of this grant. DA agrees to comply with the terms of this agreement and with the terms of any agreement with Endowment. County will send CJC, on a bi-annual basis, money received from the Endowment for CJC Operations. The CJC will assume the administrative, programmatic, financial, and legal responsibility for purposes of CJC Operations. CJC agrees to comply with the terms of this agreement and with the terms of any agreement with Endowment. 3. Term of Contract. The term of this contract shall be from March 1, 2024, through January 31, 2027. 4. Payment. County authorizes DA and CJC to make any expenditures on their behalf for DA Operations and CJC Operations that are consistent with the terms of the Endowment grant. DA and CJC agree to use any and all funds received from the County solely for legitimate expenses and to account fully to the County for the disbursement of these funds. County further agrees that any money designated to AOC for DA Operations that is not used for said purposes, shall revert to CJC for use in CJC Operations. 6. Termination of Contract, Contingent Funding; Breach of Contract. Either party shall have the right to terminate this Contract by giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice of termination unless otherwise authorized hereunder. In the event of termination, DA and CJC agree to refund all County monies they retain as of the effective date of termination. In addition, DA and CJC shall provide County with a financial accounting, as required by County, for all funds received by DA and CJC on hand up to the date of termination. If DA and CJC fail to conform to any of the terms or conditions contained in this Contract, DA and CJC shall be in breach of this Contract and the County may take corrective action as it deems necessary. Such corrective action may include but is not limited to: withholding Account # Requisition # Page 2 of 7 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 2 New Hanover County Contract # or reduction of funds not yet paid, recovery of previously paid funds, termination of services, and immediate termination of this Contract. 7. DA Financial Reporting. 7.1. Financial Records. DA and CJC shall establish fiscal control and accounting procedures in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The procedures shall account for all funds paid by County to DA and CJC, and DA and CJC shall maintain such records for three (3) years after the date of termination of this Contract. 7.2. County Access to Financial Records. DA and CJC shall allow the County Manager, or his designated representative, access and the right to inspect and copy all financial records that may be requested if required to understand the financial statements of DA and CJC. 7.3. CJC Program Evaluation. The CJC may be subject to program evaluations to include, but not limited to: reviewing current financial relationship with County, background and partnership history, assessment of achievement of and alignment with County's strategic objectives, performance measurements and customer evaluations, costibenefit analysis and benchmarking, and identification of program challenges. 8. DA and CJC Cooperation. DA and CJC shall use best efforts to cooperate with County departments in facilitating the transfer of these funds. 10. Governing. The CJC shall be governed by aboard and submit to County a current board roster prior to funding. 11. Compliance with Applicable Laws. DA and CJC agree that in performing activities of any kind funded with the monies made available under the provisions of this Contract, they shall comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Account # Requisition # Page 3 of 7 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 3 New Hanover County Contract # 12. Eli ig bility Standards. The CJC must meet all eligibility requirements and may not use a funding agent or other third -party arrangement to meet eligibility requirements. 13. No Employment Relationship with County. DA and CJC understand and agree that they are not agents of County, and as such, DA and CJC, their agents, and employees shall not be entitled to any County employment benefits, such as, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, insurance, worker's compensation, pension, or retirement benefits. 14. Indemnity. To the extent permitted by law, DA and CJC shall indemnify and hold County, its officials, officers, agents and employees, harmless against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, or other liability, including attorney fees, on account of personal injuries or death or on account of property damages arising out of or relating to the work or services to be performed by DA and CJC hereunder, resulting from the negligence of or the willful act or omission of DA and CJC, its agents, employees and subcontractors. 15. Assignment of This Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is not transferable or assignable by either party without the written consent of the other party. 16. Non -Waiver of Rights. It is agreed that County's failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this Contract or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof, or the acceptance of any performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this Contract. 17. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties. No modification, including amendments to budget of County funds, or rescission of this Agreement shall be effective unless evidenced by a writing signed by the DA, CJC and County. 19. Conflicts of Interest. DA and CJC agree to disclose to County any potential conflicts of interest. Account # Requisition # Page 4 of 7 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 4 New Hanover County Contract # 20. Equal Opportunity. In connection with the performance of this Contract, DA and CJC agree not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, or national origin. DA and CJC agree to take affirmative actions to ensure that applicants are employed, and that during their employment, employees are treated without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, or national origin. DA and CJC further agree that programs or services offered by DA and CJC are not restrictive with regard to race, sex, age, religion, disability, or any characteristics prohibited by law. 21. Payment Release: Funds shall not be released until DA and CJC comply with all financial and performance measurements requirements and reporting, terms of contract or memorandum of understanding, and all deadlines. CONTRACTS MUST BE RETURNED TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY PRIOR TO ANY COUNTY FUNDS BEING RELEASED. Account # Requisition # Pagc 5 of 7 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 5 New Hanover County Contract # IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, by authority duly given on the day and year first above written. (CORPORATE SEAL) ATTEST: By: Title: ATTEST: Title: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Office of the District Attorney for the 6th Prosecutorial District By: Title: New Hanover County Community Justice Center, Inc. By: Title: I, , a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is of Office of the District Attorney for the 6th Prosecutorial District, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, and that by authority duly given, the foregoing instrument was signed and sealed in its name by its Page 6 of 7 Account # Requisition # Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 6 New Hanover County Contract # WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this Notary Public day of , 20 My Commission Expires [REST OF PAGE INTENTIONALLYBLANK. NEW HANOVER COUNTYDIGITAL SIGNATURE PAGE ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN B Y REFERENCE.] Account # Requisition # Page 7 of 7 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 2 - 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: lC495E38-A83B-4C67-8827-E512FCDA8D42 New Hanover Community Endowment, Inc. Grant Agreement 2023 Strategic Grant — New Hanover County District Attorney's Office This Grant Agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the New Hanover Community Endowment, Inc. (the "Endowment"), in connection with the Endowment's award of grant funds (the "Grant Funds") to the undersigned grantee (the "Grantee") as applicable to the grant (the "Grant"). The undersigned, on behalf of the Grantee, hereby confirms that they have read and agree to the following terms and conditions applicable to the Grant: 1. To use the Grant Funds only for the designated project or program (the "Project") as described in the attached Plan of Accountability (which is incorporated in and forms a part of this Agreement), and not for any other purpose without the Endowment's prior written approval. The terms of this Grant Agreement supersede information in the initial application in case of any discrepancy between the Grant Agreement and the application. A request for redirection, including subgrants, of any Grant Funds must be submitted to the Endowment in writing, and approval of such a request is subject to the Endowment's sole discretion. 2. To notify the Endowment immediately of any change in (a) Grantee's legal or tax status, (b) Grantee's executive or key staff responsible for achieving the Grant purposes, and (c) Grantee's ability to expend the Grant Funds for the intended purpose. 3. To use the Grant Funds exclusively for purposes benefiting the residents of New Hanover County and region. 4. To maintain books and records adequate to demonstrate that the Grant Funds were used for the purpose for which the Grant is made, and to maintain records of expenditures adequate to identify the purposes for which, and the manner in which, the Grant Funds have been expended. 5. To give the Endowment reasonable access to the Grantee's files and records for the purpose of making such financial audits, verifications, and inquiries as the Endowment deems necessary concerning the Grant, and to maintain such files and records for a period of at least four years after completion or termination of the Project. 6. To return to the Endowment any unexpended funds or any portion of the Grant Funds that is not used for the purposes specified herein. Application ID: SR-202309-01063 Revised 12.06.2023 Grant ID: SG-202309-01063 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 3 - 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: lC495E38-A83B-4C67-8827-E512FCDA8D42 7. To allow the Endowment to review any proposed publicity using the Endowment's name, logo, or other associated assets that concern this Grant prior to its release. Grantees are encouraged to mention the Endowment as related to the Project, as specified in the Plan of Accountability. 8. To allow the Endowment to include information about the Grant and the Grantee in the Endowment's publications, including but not limited to, periodic public reports, newsletters, news releases, social media postings, and on the Endowment's website. This includes, but is not limited to, the amount and purpose of the Grant, any photographs provided by the Grantee, the Grantee's logo or trademark, and other information and materials about the Grantee and its activities. 9. To submit a written report summarizing the Project promptly following the end of the Grant Term, which is the period during which the Grantee is to use all Grant Funds and to submit any interim reports the Endowment may require. Reports should describe the progress in achieving the purposes of the Grant and include a detailed accounting of the use and expenditure of the Grant Funds, as detailed in the attached Plan of Accountability. 10. To comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Organizations shall provide a full accounting of Grant Funds by the date(s) listed in the Plan of Accountability. Intentional misuse of funds can be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties. The Endowment reserves the right to discontinue, modify, or withhold any payments in connection with the award of this Grant or to require a total or partial refund of any Grant Funds if, in the Endowment's sole discretion, such action is necessary: (a) because the Grantee has not fully complied with the terms and conditions of this Grant; (b) to protect the purpose and objectives of the Grant or any other charitable activities of the Endowment; or (c) to comply with the requirements of any law, regulation, or condition applicable to the Grantee, the Endowment, or this Grant. Grantee/Organization: New Hanover County Administration (as the fiscal sponsor for New Hanover County District Attorney's Office) Grant Amount: $3,439,066.00 The Grant Funds shall be disbursed to the Grantee on the date(s) listed in the Plan of Accountability. Grantee Representative Signature Name: Endowment Representative Signature Name: Joel Beeson, Chief Financial Officer Application ID: SR-202309-01063 Revised 12.06.2023 Grant ID: SG-202309-01063 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 3 - 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: lC495E38-A83B-4C67-8827-E512FCDA8D42 New Hanover Community Endowment, Inc. Plan of Accountability Grantee/Organization: New Hanover County Administration is the fiscal sponsor for the New Hanover County District Attorney's Office Project: The funding will support the creation of a Community Justice Center (CJC), which will be housed at the Harrelson Center across the street from the New Hanover County Courthouse. The CJC's multidisciplinary team of approximately two dozen professionals will include prosecutors, law enforcement, and direct service providers who will work to solve, prove, and prevent crime; support victims in achieving safety, stability, and self-sufficiency; provide mental health services and rehabilitation to reduce recidivism and improve community safety; and end the generational cycle of violence through early intervention, education, and prevention. The CJC will be open 24 hours a day. Total Grant Fund Amount: $3,439,066.00 Grant Term(s) & Contingencies (if applicable): Grant Terms: Contingencies (if applicable): The term of the Grant is three (3) years, 1St payment will be released upon receipt of beginning on 01/01/2024 and ending on signed grant agreement. 12/31 /2026. 2nd payment released upon submission and approval of 2024 midyear report. 3rd payment released upon submission and approval of 1 "year annual report. 4th payment released upon submission and approval 21 year annual report. Expected Intermediate Milestones: Application ID: SR-202309-01063 Revised 12.06.2023 Grant ID: SG-202309-01063 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 3 - 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: lC495E38-A83B-4C67-8827-E512FCDA8D42 Key intermediate milestones for the project/program are as follows: Year 1 — • Complete security assessment by making improvements and renovations to comply with evidence collection, evidence storage and technology requirements. • Work with consultant regarding the FJC model and send staff to existing FJC facilities in NC for professional development. • Convert two New Hanover grant positions to domestic violence and sexual assault prosecutor positions. • Post and fill positions for two victim witness legal assistants and two navigator positions. • Deploy staff from DA's office to CJC offices. • Convert federal prosecutor grant position and integrate into CJC office. • Integrate law enforcement partners into CJC offices. • Integrate additional service providers into CJC offices. • Year 1 progress reports to the Endowment should include an update on implementation plans, developed metrics and milestones met. Years 2 — • Review and analyze data from law enforcement and AOC and incorporate changes as needed. • Perform regular review and analysis of data from CJC clients, partners, and community to measure the impact of the CJC. Adjust as needed. • Provide ongoing professional development training. • Year 2 progress reports to the Endowment should include an update on developed metrics and milestones met. Year 3 — • Review data from law enforcement and AOC and incorporate changes as needed. • Perform regular review and analysis of data from CJC clients, partners, and community to measure the impact of the CJC. Adjust as needed. • Provide ongoing professional development training. • Year 3 progress and final reports to the Endowment should include updates on developed metrics and key milestones met. Grant Fund Transfer Method: Grant Funds will be transferred from the Endowment to the Grantee via direct deposit. Grant Funds may only be transferred using reliable banking systems or other regulated financial channels. Any changes in the Grantee's account information that may impact the transfer of Grant Funds must be shared with the Endowment promptly and are the responsibility of the Grantee to communicate. Application ID: SR-202309-01063 Revised 12.06.2023 Grant ID: SG-202309-01063 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 3 - 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: lC495E38-A83B-4C67-8827-E512FCDA8D42 Payment Schedule: Scheduled Date(s) of Transfer Amount of Transfer By January 31, 2024 $573,177.66 By July 31, 2024 $573,177.66 By January 31, 2025 $1,146,355.33 By January 31, 2026 $1,146,355.33 Reporting Timeline: Interim reports are to be made to the Endowment by each of the following dates: • July 15, 2024 • January 15, 2025 • July 15, 2025 • January 15, 2026 • July 15, 2026 A final report will be made to the Endowment by January 15, 2027. Reports are to include but are not limited to the following: 1. A description of significant outcomes and all activities related to the Grant to date. 2. A description of any unanticipated outcomes related to the Grant. 3. A full financial accounting of the expenditure of Grant Funds to date All reports must be submitted to Fluxx Grants Management System and will be kept on file by the Endowment in accordance with the Endowment's record retention policy. Grantees will be notified of receipt of all submitted reports through the Fluxx Grants Management System. Extensions: No Grant Funds will be transferred from the Endowment to the Grantee following the end of the Grant Term, unless otherwise indicated with the Endowment's prior written approval and an affirmative vote by the Board of Directors. Approval of any request related to the extension of the Grant Term is subject to the Endowment's sole discretion. Additional Terms and Conditions: Procurement: All goods or services acquired using Grant Funds must be reasonably necessary to implement the Project. All procurement transactions involving the use of Grant Funds will be conducted to provide, to the extent possible and reasonable, free, and open competition among suppliers. The Grantee should use reasonable efforts to procure goods and services from local businesses, small businesses, minority -owned firms, and women's business enterprises. The Grantee will seek competitive offers where possible and reasonable to obtain the best possible quality at the best possible price. The requirements of the bid process may vary depending on the value of the procurement. When evaluating bids received, the Grantee is not required to take the Application ID: SR-202309-01063 Revised 12.06.2023 Grant ID: SG-202309-01063 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 3 - 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: lC495E38-A83B-4C67-8827-E512FCDA8D42 lowest price if other factors are reasonably important to the Grantee; however, the bases for evaluation and selection should be listed in the procurement documents and there should be an objective method for the decision made by the Grantee. The decision should be documented in writing. If the Grantee is subject to statutory or regulatory procurement requirements, those requirements supersede this section. Conflict of Interest: In connection with the Project, no employee, officer, director, volunteer, or agent of the Grantee shall engage in any activity that involves a conflict of interest or that would appear to a reasonable person to involve a conflict of interest. Non-discrimination: The Grantee shall not discriminate by reason of age, race, ethnicity, religion, color, sex, parental status, national origin, genetic information, political affiliation, protected veteran status, disability, or any other legally protected status, in connection with the Project. Restrictions on Use of Grant Funds: The Grantee will use the Grant Funds only for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes. The Grantee will not use the Grant Funds in any way that would result in or give rise to private inurement or impermissible private benefit. The Grantee will not use the Grant Funds to carry on propaganda or otherwise to attempt to influence legislation, to influence the outcome of any public election, or to carry on directly or indirectly any voter registration drive. Assignment: The Grantee will not transfer or assign to any other entity any of the Grantee's rights or obligations under this Grant Agreement without the prior written consent of the Endowment. Independent entity: The Grantee is a legal entity independent from the Endowment, is not an agent of the Endowment, and is not authorized to bind the Endowment to any agreement of payment for goods or services. Application ID: SR-202309-01063 Revised 12.06.2023 Grant ID: SG-202309-01063 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 6 - 3 - 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:2/19/2024 Regular DEPARTMENT: Soil and PRESENTER(S): Dru Harrison, New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District Water Director CONTACT(S): Dru Harrison SU BJ ECT: Presentation of the Pages Creek Watershed Restoration Plan BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District (NHSWCD) Board of Supervisors identified Pages Creek watershed as a priority watershed in response to the poor water quality results shown in the county's water quality monitoring program report, which is prepared by Coastal Protection Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. and managed by the Planning and Land Use Department. In early 2022, NHSWCD partnered with Cape Fear Resource Conservation & Development (CFRC&D) and Moffatt & Nichol and received a grant from the North Carolina Land and Water Fund to conduct a study of the watershed to identify problem areas, potential causes, and solutions in a comprehensive Pages Creek Watershed Restoration Plan (restoration plan). The restoration plan was finalized in 2023, adopted by the NHSWCD Board of Supervisors in January 2024, and approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) in January 2024. The restoration plan was designed to identify problems and provide suggestions, steps, and a sample timeline for water quality improvements in the watershed. The goal of N HSWCD is to use the plan to work with the county's Engineering, Parks and Gardens, Planning and Land Use, Cooperative Extension, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA), and other partners to identify and collaborate on projects to help improve water quality in the watershed. The restoration plan will also provide an important foundational guide for the county to be able to apply for funding directly focused on improving water quality. An example of a potential grant the NHSWCD hopes to pursue is an Environmental Protection Agency 319 grant, in partnership with the North Carolina State University Stormwater Engineering Research Group and Cooperative Extension. If the grant is pursued in the coming year to assist with Pages Creek Watershed water quality improvement, no additional funds would be requested from the county other than staff time, which would be used for an in -kind match. The NHSWCD also plans to continue its partnership with CFRC&D and Moffitt & Nichol to pursue other grant funds for a feasibility study to find additional projects in the watershed to improve water quality. The restoration plan also aligns directly with the county's strategic priority of sustainable land use and environmental stewardship and helps to further the target of reducing bacterial contaminants in county creeks. The NHSWCD is proud to take the lead on the Pages Creek Watershed Restoration Plan and the near -term and future work to help improve water quality in that area. The NHSWCD staff and Board of Supervisors will continue to keep the Board of County Commissioners updated on progress of the plan, projects that are developed, and improvements that are made. In addition, community meetings will be held in the Pages Creek area to inform residents of the approved plan, potential projects, and next steps. Resident engagement will continue to be integral throughout the restoration plan and projects. Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 7 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Sustainable Land Use & Environmental Stewardship o Cultural amenities that enhance quality of place are safeguarded. ■ Promote the community through activities that enhance life and connect people. o Natural areas and critical environmental features are enhanced and protected. Ensure development compliments natural features. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation and provide any feedback. ATTACHMENTS: Pages Creek Watershed Restoration Plan Staff Presentation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation and provide feedback. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:2/19/2024 Regular DEPARTMENT: Diversity & Equity PRESENTER(S): Lauren McConville, N HC Communication & Outreach Manager CONTACT(S): Linda Thompson, Chief Diversity and Equity Officer and Lauren McConville SU BJ ECT: Consideration of New Hanover County Language Access Plan BRIEF SUMMARY: In January of 2023, New Hanover County was selected to participate in the 2023 Local Government Language Access Collaborative by UNC-Chapel Hill's Institute for the Study of the Americas, an initiative that brings together local governments and community -based organizations to build inclusive practices and policies related to language access. Cape Fear Latinos is New Hanover County's community partner, a grassroots non-profit organization that works with the Hispanic/Latino community in and around New Hanover County. This collaboration has resulted in the creation of a language access plan and will help build trust in communities that often feel overlooked and connect individuals and families to resources that will help build sustainable and successful futures. This language access plan put into action will ensure that residents have the right resources and information at the right time to make informed decisions that impact their health, safety, and well-being. This plan will address and outline our efforts to empower individuals with limited English proficiency and enable them to fully engage with and access services throughout the county. Through consistent monitoring and updating of this Language Access Plan, the county will better serve and understand the needs of residents and improve the accessibility of services and resources. Further, New Hanover County will ensure it moves towards policies and procedures supporting the right of all residents to communicate within the language they prefer and provide resources to county staff to meet residents' diverse needs. "Language access" means providing individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP) meaningful access to the same services as English-speaking individuals. A language access plan (LAP) for New Hanover County is a critical tool to ensure residents with limited English proficiency can connect with and have access to vital community services and information. An efficient and effective language access plan will also guide county staff and internal stakeholders on best practices for assisting residents with limited English proficiency and serve as a model for inclusive customer service across the organization. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: • Good Governance o Organizational Capacity ■ Foster an agile culture that embraces diversity and drives innovative solutions RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 8 Hear presentation and adopt the Language Access Plan ATTACHMENTS: Staff Presentation Language Access Plan COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation and recommend adoption. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:2/19/2024 Regular DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER(S): Eric Credle, Chief Financial Officer CONTACT(S): Eric Credle and Martha Wayne, Deputy Chief Financial Officer SU BJ ECT: Presentation of Fiscal Year 2023-2024 — Financial Results thru 12/31/23 BRIEF SUMMARY: County staff will provide an overview of unaudited financial results for the first half of fiscal year 2024, with notable highlights for the six months ending December 31, 2023 (General Fund unless stated otherwise): • Property taxes of $167.4 million exceeded budget by $1.1 million, or 0.7%. • Sales taxes of $23.5 million were essentially right on budget, with a positive variance of $25 thousand. • Intergovernmental revenue of $19.6 million, which is $2.9 million over -budget primarily due to an ABC Board Excess Profit Distribution. • Investment income of $5.1 million exceeded the budget by $1.0 million due to continued increases in interest rates. • Total revenue of $225.5 million compared to budget of $219.9 million, a favorable variance of $5.5 million, or 2.5%. • Total expenditures of $179.8 million, which was lower than the budget by $1.6 million, or 0.9%. • Results of other funds are in line with expectations. Further details, including results of other county funds are included in the attached executive and financial summaries. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: • Good Governance o Effective County Management ■ Increase transparency and awareness about county actions RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear the presentation. Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 9 ATTACHMENTS: Staff Presentation Executi\,e Summary for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2023 Financial Summaries for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2023 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear the presentation and provide feedback. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 9 New Hanover County Financial Summary Executive Summary For the Period Ended December 31, 2023 Introduction Attached is a fiscal summary for select New Hanover County funds for the six months ended December 31, 2023. Included is a summary of revenues and expenditures as recorded by the County for the General, Debt Service, Environmental Management, Fire Services, and Stormwater Services. This information is provided to update you on the financial status of the County on a regular basis throughout the fiscal year. The narrative below provides analysis of the tables and charts that follow. Budgeted amounts noted below were calculated by multiplying the total current year budget by the average collection/expenditure rate experienced at this point in the fiscal year in the two preceding fiscal years. General Fund Highlights: Revenues Property Taxes - Property tax bills were mailed in July 2023 and are due by the end of the first week in January of each year. By 12/31 in the prior two fiscal years, the county had collected an average of 76.9% of total taxes that were ultimately received for the fiscal year. Through December 2023, the county had received 77.4% of the total budget, which results in a favorable variance at this point in the year of $1.1 million. Thus, indications are that the county's property tax revenues should come in at budget or just slightly higher. Sales Taxes - Sales taxes are received from the State in the third month following the related sale. Thus, this report reflects taxes from sales occurring from July 2023 to September 2023. Sales taxes were right at budget for this time period, with collections amounting to 24.8% of the total budget, which matches the prior two year average. For the first two months of calendar year 2024, the trend of sales taxes being very close to budget continued. Thus, indications are that the county's sales taxes will be substantially in line with budget for the fiscal year. • Other Taxes — Other Taxes are down approximately $250K from the prior year and are under -budget by $224K. Real Property Transfer Taxes are the largest component of this line item, and a decline from the prior year from $2.2 million to $2.0 million is responsible for the variances. Higher interest rates causing slower property sales are the likely cause. • Charges for Services — This line item is lower than last year and almost the same as two years prior ($6.1 million thru 12/31/23 and 12/31/21 and $6.4 million thru 12/31/22) and is tracking higher than budget by $241K. Inspection fees are the largest line item in this category and have totaled $1.9 million in FY24 vs. $2.5 million at the same point in FY23. Based on trends from the end of FY23, inspection fees were budgeted lower in FY24. • Intergovernmental Revenue — This line item has totaled $19.6 million thus far in FY24 compared to $15.1 million in the prior year and is ahead of budget by $2.9 million. The primary reason for the variances is the November 2023 receipt of $2.2 million in ABC Board excess profits, with timing of cash receipts also impacting the current year variance. • Investment Earnings — Investment earnings of $5.1 million for the first half of FY24 are significantly ahead of prior years and are $1.0 million ahead of budget due to increases in interest rates. Based on staff's review of Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 9 - 2 - 1 investment balances and expected interest rates, the county should meet or exceed the budgeted amount for the year. Other Revenues — Other Revenues of $614K reflect a positive variance to budget of $475K. The variance is primarily due to the sale of two parcels at the Blue Clay Business Park. Expenditures • Through half of the year, expenditures in substantially all government functions are in the 40-50% range, with a weighted average total of 41.5%. In total, actual expenditures through the second quarter of FY24 were $1.6 million (0.9%) under budget, with actual expenditures of $179.8 million compared to a budget projection of $181.3 million. DEBT SERVICE FUND HIGHLIGHTS: • The Debt Service Fund receives most of its outside revenue from property taxes and sales taxes. Consistent with the General Fund, property taxes are tracking slightly ahead of budget, while sales taxes are essentially on budget. The lower property tax receipts in FY24 vs. FY23 are because total debt service payments are lower for the year ($53.5 million in FY24 vs. $56.5 million in FY23) and therefore a lower amount of property taxes was budgeted for this fund. Intergovernmental Revenue of $2.3 million is lower than the prior year amount of $2.7 million and is below budget by $0.2 million. The variance from the prior year is due to the last repayment of a borrowing from Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer being received in July 2022 in the prior fiscal year. The variance to budget is due to the timing of cash receipts. Debt service payments for the six months of the fiscal year totaled $29.4 million, which are paid from this fund when they become due, and the amount paid to date is consistent with expectations, with the variance to budget being timing of payments. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT FUND HIGHLIGHTS: • Total revenues through the first six months of the current fiscal year were $8.7 million compared to $8.1 million in the prior year, and a budget of $8.4 million at this point in the current year. • Within total revenue, $8.2 million relates to tipping fees, which compares to $7.7 million in tipping fees realized in the comparable period of the prior year. Total tonnage this fiscal year to date has been 203,000 tons vs. 189,000 tons in the prior year. • The favorable variance in Other Revenue primarily relates to higher interest earnings on cash held by this fund as a result of the increases in interest rates. • Total expenditures for the first six months of the fiscal year were $5.7 million compared to a budget of $7.9 million and the prior year amount of $5.4 million. Personnel and Operating Expenses are tracking very close to budget, while Capital Expenditures are significantly below budget, primarily due to the timing of expenditures. Staff expects most of the budgeted Capital Outlay to occur in the second half of this fiscal year. FIRE RESCUE FUND HIGHLIGHTS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 9 - 2 - 2 The primary revenue source for this fund is property taxes, the bulk of which are received in December and January. Collections through December 2023 were approximately $11.1 million compared to $11.0 million in the prior year and a budget of $11.2 million. Total expenditures for the first six months of the fiscal year were $11.3 million , unchanged from the prior fiscal year, and a current year budget -to -date of $11.5 million. Variances in line items are due to the timing of expenditures. STORMWATER SERVICES FUND HIGHLIGHTS: This is the third year of providing this service to the unincorporated county. During the first year, fees charged to residents were subsidized with an allocation from the general fund. Thus, this is the second full fiscal year with a stand-alone balanced budget. • Stormwater fees are included with property tax bills, and thus follow the same pattern of receipt as ad valorem taxes — predominantly in December and January. • Total revenues for this fund, substantially all of which are stormwater fees for each of the periods presented, were $3.4 million for the first half of FY24, unchanged from the same period of FY23, and compared to a budget of $3.5 million. • Total expenditures for the first six months of the fiscal year were $2.0 million compared to a budget of $3.3 million and compared to $2.2 million in the prior year, with lower operating expenses causing both variances (see next bullet). • Operating expenses are significantly lower than budget due to minimal amounts having been spent thus far on the following projects: 1) White Road culvert repairs of $840K and 2) two planning and feasibility related to Acorn Branch and Pumpkin Creek totaling $400K. Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 9 - 2 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Financial Summary Quarter Ended December 31, 202 GENERAL FUND 2024 Budget Full Yr. Actual Actual Actual Budget thru YTD % to FY23-24 12-31-2021 12-31-2022 12-31-2023 12-31-2023 Variance $ Budget Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes 216,214,493 162,205,745 159,411,127 167,401,126 166,268,945 1,132,181 77.4% Sales Taxes 94,736,436 20,250,345 23,358,105 23,520,036 23,494,636 25,400 24.8% Other Taxes 6,129,000 4,020,866 3,364,872 3,110,493 3,334,176 (223,683) 50.8% Charges for Service 12,640,014 6,101,719 6,414,271 6,105,617 5,864,966 240t651 48.3% Intergovernmental Revenue 47,468,949 17,562,526 15,099,452 19,605,893 16,709,070 2,896,823 41.3% Investment Earnings 12,131,409 594,143 3,469,088 5,142,110 4,100,416 1,041,694 42.4% Other Revenues 1,611,243 415,614 502,271 613,985 138,567 475,418 38.1% Long Term Debt Proceeds 5,663,000 - - - - - 0.0% 396,594,544 211,150,958 211,619,186 225,499,260 219,910,777 5,588,483 56.9% Total General Fund Revenues Expenditures General Government 80,052,464 22,494,804 31,300,250 33,882,091 34,502,612 (620t521) 42.3% Human Services 89,131,912 28,336,896 31,935,766 34,996,580 39,396,305 (4,399,725) 39.3% Public Safety 93,810,058 37,503,014 42,274,848 47,472,192 43,527,867 3,944,325 50.6% Public Safety - Hurricanes 238,823 28,294 10,254 123,011 63,049 59,962 51.5% Economic and Physical Dev. 1,803,799 881,695 946,838 1,072,221 1,080,476 (8,255) 59.4% Culture and Recreation 16,743,996 6,419,988 6,822,639 7,371,324 7,618,518 (247,194) 44.0% Education - Community College 15,165,659 5,475,474 5,877,787 6,495,974 7,446,339 (950,365) 42.8% Transfers Out: Education - Public Schools 95,977,304 46,433,478 46,237,752 47,013,732 47,700,720 (686,988) 49.0% Debt Service Fund 15,043,104 - - - - - 0.0% Other - Primarily Capital 25,665,186 - 2,408 1,342,895 - 1,342,895 5.2% Total General Fund Expenditures 433,632,305 147,573,643 165,408,542 179,770,020 181,335,886 (1,565,866) 41.5% 37,037,761 - - - - Appropriated Fund Balance Revenues In Excess (Under) Expenditures 63,577,315 46,210,644 45,729,240 38,574,891 7,154,349 56.19% GF Revenues 54.6%: 56.0i% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% 0FY24 Qtr2-%to Budget 0FY23 Qtr2-%to Actual 0FY22 Qtr2-%to Actual 41.5% GF Expenditures 43.6% 43.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% ■FY24 Qtr2-%to Budget 0FY23 Qtr2-%to Actual 0FY22 Qtr2-%to Actual Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 9 - 3 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Financial Summary Quarter Ended December 31, 2023 DEBT SERVICE FUND 2024 Budget Actual Actual Actual Budget thru YTD % to FY23-24 12-31-2021 12-31-2022 12-31-2023 12-31-2023 Variance $ Budget Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes 12,088,726 16,826,113 12,182,847 9,469,734 9,272,053 197,681 78.3% Sales Taxes 21,509,084 4,745,914 5,495,204 5,520,168 5,527,835 (7,667) 25.7% Intergovernmental Revenue 4,844,416 2,853,142 2,658,850 2,279,220 2,451,274 (172,054) 47.0% Investment Earnings - 60 358 962 - 962 - Transfer In from General Fund 15,043,104 - - - - 0.0% Transfer In from Other Funds - - - - - - - Total Debt Service Fund Revenues 53,485,330 1 24,425,229 20,337,259 17,270,084 17,251,162 18,922 32.3% Expenditures Debt Service 53,485,330 36,992,728 33,558,438 29,352,113 32,679,537 (3,327,424) 54.9% Revenues In Excess (Under) Expenditures - (12,567,499) (13,221,179) (12,082,029) (15,428,375) 3,346,346 Debt Service Revenues Debt Service Expenditures 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 0FY24 Qtr2-%to Budget 0FY23 Qtr2-%to Actual 0FY22 Qtr2-%to Actual 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 9 - 3 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Financial Summary Quarter Ended December 31, 2023 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OPERATING FUND Revenues Charges for Service Intergovernmental Revenue Other Revenues Expenditures Salaries and Benefits Operating Expenditures Debt Service Capital Expenditures Transfers: To General Fund To Capital Projects Total Environmental Mgmt Expenditures Revenues In Excess (Under) Expenditures EM R EM Expe Budget Full Yr. Actual Actual Actual Budget thru FY23-24 12-31-2021 7,374,692 12-31-2022 7,733,121 12-31-2023 8,190,085 12-31-2023 7,802,281 Variance $ 387,804 18,358,308 768,000 458,427 168,225 189,219 370,176 (180,957) 591,000 269,551 244,215 333,245 236,400 96,845 21,965,302 8,102,670 8,145,561 8,712,549 8,408,857 303,692 3,210,258 1,257,124 1,238,972 1,409,143 1,441,406 (32,263) 9,945,680 3,211,045 3,734,547 4,233,610 4,266,697 (33,087) 462,609 13,300 24,957 50,279 58,289 (8,010) 3,488,316 209,642 427,133 16,305 2,096,478 (2,080,173) 664,471 - 701 - 664 (664) 8,000,000 - - - - - 25,771,334 4,691,111 5,426,310 5,709,337 7,863,534 (2,154,197) 3,411,559 2,719,251 3,003,212 545,323 2,457,889 2024 YTD % to Budget 44.6% 24.6% 56.4% 39.7% 43.9 % 42.6 % 10.9 % 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 22.2% Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 9 - 3 - 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Financial Summary Quarter Ended December 31, 2023 FIRE RESCUE FUND Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Taxes Charges for Services Transfers: From General Fund From Special Revenue Total Fire Services Revenues 2024 Budget Full Yr. Actual Actual Actual Budget thru YTD %to FY23-24 12-31-2021 12-31-2022 12-31-2023 12-31-2023 Variance $ Budget 14,037,241 10,856,087 10,970,439 11,129,645 11,229,793 (100,148) 79.3% 5,469,686 1,151,891 1,404,461 1,481,951 1,422,118 59,833 27.1% 46,074 20,440 23,305 18,020 21,056 (3,036) 39.1% 61.3% 20,601,932 12,042,166 12,408,748 12,635,918 12,673,362 (37,444) Expenditures Salaries and Benefits 13,178,515 4,978,183 5,997,616 6,260,408 5,838,082 422,326 47.5% Operating Expenditures 5,235,423 2,714,688 2,525,851 2,961,835 3,544,381 (582,546) 56.6% Debt Service 1,100,706 1,076,088 1,091,869 645,106 719,862 (74,756) 58.6% Capital Expenditures 2,031,648 717,226 1,681,387 1,419,293 1,365,267 54,026 69.9% Transfers: To General Fund - - - - - - - To Capital Projects - - - - - - Total Fire Services Expenditures 21,546,292 9,486,185 11,296,723 11,286,642 11,467,593 (180,951) 52.4% - 1 2,555,981 1,112,025 1,349,276 1,205,769 Revenues In Excess (Under) Expenditures -illjlllllllilllllrllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIllilljl 61.3% Fire Services Revenues 8.7% 62.2% 52.4% Fire Services Expenditures 53.8% 50.5% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% ■FY24 Qtr2-%to Budget ■FY23 Qtr2-%to Actual ■FY22 Qtr 2-%to Actual Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 9 - 3 - 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Financial Summary Quarter Ended December 31, 2023 STORMWATER FUND 2024 Budget Full Yr. Actual Actual Actual Budget thru YTD % to FY23-24 12-31-2021 12-31-2022 12-31-2023 12-31-2023 Variance $ Budget Revenues Charges for Service 4,158,521 614,146 3,413,042 3,379,105 3,487,513 (108,408) 81.3% Long Term Debt Issued - - - - - - - Investment Earnings - 132 14,625 14,625 - Transfer In from General Fund 840,000 - - - - - - Total Stormwater Revenues 5,398,521 614,146 3,413,174 3,393,730 3,487,513 (93,783) 62.9% Expenditures Salaries and Benefits 1,141,433 70,883 422,795 387,258 508,378 (121,120) 33.9% Operating Expenditures 3,025,819 609,471 934,448 832,053 1,888,672 (1,056,619) 27.5% Debt Service 411,339 210,290 216,169 215,870 196,908 18,962 - Capital Expenditures 1,264,000 900,462 627,794 604,561 698,230 (93,669) 52.5% Transfers: 47.8% To General Fund - - - - - Total Stormwater Expenditures 5,842,591 1,791,106 2,201,206 2,039,742 3,292,188 (1,252,446) 34.9% Appropriated Fund Balance 444,070 - - - - Administrative Reserve - - - - - (1,176,960) 1,211,968 1,353,988 195,325 1,158,663 Revenues In Excess (Under) Expenditures Stormwater Revenues Stormwater Expenditures 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% 0FY24 Qtr2-%to Budget 0FY23 Qtr2-%to Actual 0FY22 Qtr2-%to Actual Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 9 - 3 - 5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: 2/19/2024 Regular DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chair Bill Rivenbark CONTACT(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board SU BJ ECT: Committee Appointment BRIEF SUMMARY: A vacancy exists on the following board/committee: • New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: • Good Governance o Effective County Management ■ I ncrease transparency and awareness about county actions RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. ATTACHMENTS: New Hano\,er County Ju\,enile Crime Pre\tention Council COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approve appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 10 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT NHC Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Vacancies: 3 Vacqncy.Cate gpEKjq_g.oint at this time:� 1 — At -Large unexpired, expiring 9/30/25 Note: Advertising is ongoing for the Faith and Under Age 21 categories. Attachments: Committee Information Sheet Applications Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 10-1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL Members: Limited to no more than 26. 12 appointed by the Commissioners in the following categories: Member of faith community, 2 school students under age 21, juvenile defense attorney, member of business community, parks and recreation representative, 7 at -large, and county commissioner or designee. Agency Representatives: School superintendent or designee, chief of police or designee, local sheriff or designee, chief district judge or designee, district attorney or designee, chief court counselor or designee, AMH/DD/SA director or designee, substance abuse professional, county manager or designee, health director or designee, DSS director or designee, and United Way or other non-profit member. Terms: 2-year terms (Changed from 3-year terms to reflect requirements of General Statutes) Regular Meetings: Meetings are held seven times a year (3rd Friday at 12:00 p.m.) in Human Resources Training Room B in the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, NC. Statute or Cause Creating Task Force: NC General Assembly established JCPC on 12/21/98. Revised membership GS 143B-846. House Bill 593 was passed as of July 1, 2020 which updated the Under Age category to age 21 (changed from the Under Age 18). Purpose: The JCPC is to assess, prioritize and identify ways to meet needs of youths who are at -risk of delinquency or who have been adjudicated, undisciplined, or delinquent; identify community risk factors; recommend allocation of state funding for youth programs that address these risk factors; and evaluate the effectiveness of these programs. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Business Community Unexpired 11/20/23 9/30/25 Kelsey Fadden 2825 Berry Patch Court Castle Hayne, NC 28429 515-720-0415 (C) Faith Community 9/30/25 VACANT Juvenile Defense Attorney Unexpired 3/21/22 9/30/23 Cecilia Reyna First 9/18/23 9/30/25 409 Endicott Court Wilmington, NC 28411 832-253-6320 (H) Under Age 21 (2 members required) VACANT 9/30/25 Amir Johnson First 9/19/22 9/30/24 Wilmington, NC Members -at -Large Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 10- 1 - 2 JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL (CONT.) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Akeeva Miller First 10/16/23 9/30/25 724 South 51h Avenue, Apt. 103 Wilmington, NC 28401 434-713-6221 (C) Zachery Mitcham Unexpired 1/24/22 9/30/22 6909 Eschol Court First 9/19/22 9/30/24 Wilmington, NC 28409 910-233-2359 (H) Deborah O'Neill First 9/19/22 9/30/24 225 Nantucket Court Wilmington, NC 28412 910-547-1077 (H) 910-515-5767 (W) Brittany Patterson First 9/19/22 9/30/24 2511 Sapling Circle Wilmington, NC 28411 910-617-4879 (H) Gina Warren First 9/19/22 9/30/24 7008 Cape Harbor Drive, Apartment F Wilmington, NC 28411 919-697-3869 (H) VACANT 9/30/25 County Commissioners' Designee 9/21/20 Undesignated Tufanna Bradley, Assistant County Manager 1650 Greenfield St. Wilmington, NC 28401 910-798-7174 Agency Representatives: District Attorney's Office: Lillian Salcines-Bright Undesignated DSS: Mary Beth Rubright Health Department: Carla Turner Judge of District Court: Judge JH Corpening, Chair Juvenile Justice / Courts: Robert Speight NHC Schools: Julie Varnum Public Defender's Office: Lyana Hunter Sheriff Department: Sgt. E. Granada or Lt. E. Brown Substance Abuse Center: Ryan Estes Trillium Health Resources — Southern Regional Area Board: Cecelia Peers United Way: Tommy Taylor Wilmington City Police: Melissa Moore Youth Empowerment Program: Chris Preston NC JJ&DP Consultant: Pamela Stokes File: /JCPC Staff liaison/support: Wendy DuBose Revised: 11/2023 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 10- 1 - 3 Lonq, Melissa From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 2:02 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Online Form Submission #9684 for Board and Committee Application E,"xteiririaf ErnaH: D, ,' not click hriiks, q,,,')en attachinrients, �r' repl�y t,it�v�,'A you k,,no%A( IIt Is safe Board and Committee Application Board or Committee Being New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Applied to Juvenile Crime Prevention At -large Council Categories First Name Wendy Last Name Dale Email LA �M,,02�8q) �ih2�L.LmLn Home Phone 9102289939 Cell Phone Field not completed. Business Phone Field not completed. Fax Field not completed. Home Address 7780 Cypress Island Drive City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28412 Mailing Address (if different 7780 Cypress Island Drive from home address) City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28412 Years Living in New 5 Hanover County Board of Commissi4ners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 10- 1 - 4 Personal information collected below isbo assure a of the community is represented. Gender FenloAa Race white Occupation Contracts Administrator Applicant's Employer Jama Software, Inc. Professional Activities revkew, analyze, draft, and negotiate contracts for osoftware development company, reporting to the General Counsel. Volunteer Activities |umanactive member ofCronmFItWilmington, where | occasionally help with competitions. Why doyou wish toserve | would like tobecome more civically engaged inn0' onthis board pr com/nounUyandcmnthbutenmyemperiencemndUmeineenistino committee? our local youth. What areas of concern I'm an advocate of youth diversion programs such as teen court would you like tosee and | also have aninterest inunderstanding and advocating for addressed bythis legislation that would assist our disadvantaged youth. committee? Qualifications for serving | have lived inNCmyentire life including atotal of9years in Wilmington. |arnagraduate ofUNC-Chape|Hill, and have a professional background aomparalegal. | have professional expertise inreading and analyzing legal language, including statutes, legislation, case law, and contracts. | also raised a son bvmyself emsingle mother. Other municipal mrcounty None currently, but |was formerly emember nfthe boards / committees on Appearance Commission inCmrdboro.North Carolina. which you are serving Duyou have afamily No member employed bvNew Hanover County? List three local personal references and phone numbers Reference 1 Brigid Penny �� Board ofComm.**.u..em February 19.2024 Reference 1 Phone 310-242-3203 Reference Emily Majkmwki Reference 2Phnne 919-037-0012 Reference 3 Zachary Little Reference 3Phone 910-760-4857 Additional comments Field not completed. Upload additional information Date 2M/2024 Consent �|understand that any board orcommittee appointee may be removed without cause byamajority ofCounty Commissioners. Email not displaying correctly? 3 Board ofCommissioners February 19.2024 Wendy Dale 7780 Cypress Island Drive 0wernar128@yahoo.com Wilmington, NC 28412 PROFESSIONAL E PE IEVNCE Contract Administrator Jar na Software, Inc. - Portland, CP — August 2021 to Present Supervisor. Allyson Keo • reviewed, Grafted, Analyzed, and (Negotiated complex IT master services, subscription services, subcontractor, transactional, non -disclosure, proprietary software licensing, SOW, partnering, co -marketing, and IT procurement agreements with external customers, partners, and vendors • Led negotiations and provided final approval on all legal contractual issues, utilizing playbook and alternative language • Counseled sales and other personnel regarding contracts procedures and contractual matters • Collaborated cross -functionally with sales, finance, and IT to identify and confirm solutions to contracting issues * Prepared and delivered training presentation to new hires to the sales organization regarding company contracting policies, procedures, and practices * Delivered training to internal group of IT professionals regarding highly sensitive confidential info nation specific to a high -value and strategic client, • Developed and maintained valuable working relationships with sales and other personnel to effect timely commercial transactions ® Provided thoughtful input and experiential feedback into Improving contracting processes • Managed multiple projects related to contracts and legal department matters Operations mist PPD - Wilmington, INC — July 2019 to December 2019 upervlsor° Suzanne Wallace Contributed to the achievement of financial and business objectives through accurate and timely reporting of revenue and costs for assigned portfolio of projects Administered the daily financial management of the project portfolio consisting of single service contracts and/or tactical accounts Identified issues related to contract. modifications, contract values, and contract deliverables Performed analysis of budget to actual data on monthly, quarterly, and annual basis and for revenue calculations and forecasting Performed reconciliations of costs and revenues recognized for assigned projects 'Tracked and maintained project information and budgets within the project accounting system Coordinated with support staff to ensure sponsors are invoiced in a timely and accurate manner Freelance Paralegal Self-employed - Wilmington, INC -- January 2019 to July 2019 • Provided contract legal and administrative services to attorneys and businesses • utilized sound knowledge of legal terminology, research databases, and federal and state court systems • reviewed and Analyzed Contracts • researched specific industries for factual information relevant to litigation • Communicated and collaborated with clients„ professionals„ and municipal staff to obtain information and resolve legal issues Contracts Specialist Red Hat, Inc. - Raleigh, IBC - August 2014 to September 2017 Supervisor: Ed Hussey Grafted, reviewed, Analyzed, Negotiated, and Assisted with Execution of complex IT master, services, subscription services, subcontractor, transactional, non -disclosure, open source and proprietary software licensing, SOW, partnering, co -marketing, avid IT procurement agreements with external customers and vendors Co -negotiated strategic„ high -value, oommerclal deals with the sales organization Led negotiations and provided final approval on all legal contractual Issues, utilizing playbook and alternative language Board of Commissigners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 10- 1 - 7 • Counseled inside sales regarding contracts procedures, risk assessment, and legal matters • Utilized creative problem -solving to resolve legal, compliance, and business obstacles to strategic, high value deals • Successfully provisioned contractual agreements and executions in extremely pressured environment • Collaborated cross -functionally with sales and IT to identify and confirm solutions to contracting issues • Ensured contractual compliance with company policies and regulatory requirements including HIPAA, HITECH, GDPR, Federal Acquisition Regulations, and applicable export law • Researched legal, financial, and operational matters pertinent to specific contracts • Prepared and delivered training presentation to new hires to the sales organization regarding company contracting policies, procedures, and practices • Educated external clients on Red Hat products and partner programs • Developed and maintained valuable working relationships with inside clients and sales executives to effect timely commercial transactions and to leverage support for contracting initiatives • Provided thoughtful input and experiential feedback into improving contracting processes Contracts Administrator Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina — Durham, NC — April 2014 to July 2014 Supervisor: Jennifer Beebe • Managed and ensured timely renewals of vendor IT contracts • Worked collaboratively with outsourced professional services provider to validate reporting data required by IT vendors • Maintained tracking system for renewals and new purchases • Assisted with vendor onboarding • Validated invoices for IT purchases • Resolved problems related to IT purchases and renewals • Negotiated renewal pricing for IT purchases Contracts Administrator Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings - Burlington, NC - May 2011 to April 2014 Supervisor: Donald Von Hagen • Drafted, Analyzed, and Negotiated complex laboratory services, managed care, clinical trial, non -disclosure, procurement, facilities leasing, and software technology contracts, ensuring legal, regulatory, and business sufficiency, and providing final approval on all non-standard contract language • Collaborated with IT, Sales, Finance, and Billing departments to resolve obstacles to contract execution • Ensured contractual compliance with company policies and regulatory requirements including Stark, HIPAA, federal and state anti -kickback statutes, and the Federal Acquisition Regulations • Performed due diligence required in the course of company mergers and acquisitions • Effected timely foreign legal filings and contracts negotiations with offshore affiliates and clients • Advised internal personnel regarding legal, contractual and compliance issues • Analyzed cost in supplier contracts for company and legal/regulatory compliance • Assisted in creation of standard company contract templates • Worked cross -functionally with company divisions to prepare timely proposals and bids • Utilized contract lifecycle management software to maintain organization and confidentiality of customer information Paralegal Lewis Phillips Hinkle, PLLC - Chapel Hill, NC - August 2006 to May 2011 Supervisor: Christina Hinkle • Accounted for and Administered decedents' estates on behalf of executors • 1 Prepared documentary and graphic trial exhibits • Completed forms for legal, tax, and corporate filings and registrations • Researched applicable law using both online and print resources • Investigated factual circumstances for relevant trial evidence • Performed title searches and assisted with real estate closings • Drafted, reviewed and edited legal pleadings, deeds, contracts, correspondence, and intra-office legal memoranda • Managed case files and court deadlines • Filed and served legal pleadings, motions and other court documents using state and federal (electronic) filing systems • Assisted attorneys at trial and depositions by taking notes and managing files, documents, and exhibits Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 10- 1 - 8 Board of Commissioners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 10- 1 - 9 From: noreply@civicpIus.com Sent: Friday, December 29, 2023 2:34 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Online Form Submission #8105 for Board and Committee Application aEa Externai ErnaH: Do not dick Hnks, open attachnnents, or repLAMA YOU know it is safe Board and Committee Application Board or Committee Being New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Applied to Juvenile Crime Prevention -Faith-eemmunity AAr, Council Categories First Name Clyde Last Name Lynn Email pj1SLe@_kleer11ineItdLqom Home Phone 2527148455 Cell Phone 2527148455 Business Phone 9104708455 Fax Field not completed. Home Address 4808 Grouse Woods Dr. City Wilmington State NC Zip Code 28411 Mailing Address (if different Field not completed. from home address) City Field not completed. State Field not completed. Zip Code Field not completed. Years Living in New 3 Hanover County Board of Commissidners - February 19, 2024 ITEM: 10-1 -10 ^ ^ Personal information collected below is to assure a of the community is represented. Gender Male Race dark skinned oeunaaian Age 74 Occupation Sales Agent Applicant's Employer N|een Line. Ltd. Professional Activities Manage business development and operations. Volunteer Activities Pine Valley Church of Christ Why do you wish to serve Desire to represent the Faith community in the o||oomtipn of on this board or public funds toprovide for the effort toreduce delinquent committee? behavior. What areas ofconcern Fund programs that reinforce the preservation ofhealthy would you like tosee functioning families. addressed bythis committee? Qualifications for serving BAsocial science; K8SAdministration ofJustice; 4years Juvenile Court Counselor, 4years Scoutmaster, Sunday school Teacher, Active incommunity-outreach atPine Valley Church of Christ. Other municipal nrcounty None boards / committees on which you are serving Doyou have afamily No member employed byNew Hanover County? List three local personal references and phone numbers Reference Mark Bishop Reference 1Phone 9102825369 Reference Wallace Anne Reference 2Phone 9103439838 Board ofCommissi(�hem February 19.2024 Reference 3 Michael Price Reference 3Phone 9105402822 Upload additional Field not completed. information Date 12/29/2023 Consent | understand that any board orcommittee appointee may be removed without cause byamajority ofCounty Commissioners. Email not displaying correctly? Board ofCommissidn m February 19.2024