01 24 2008 Board Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 230 Government Center Dr, Suite 185 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 798-6921 Fax: (910) 798-6925 E-mail: stsmith@nhcgov.com Steve Smith Director Memorandum To: Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board Members From: Steve Smith, Director Subject: January 24, 2008 Board Summary Date: January 28, 2008 A Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board meeting was held on Thursday, January 24, 2008 at 10:00 AM in the Emergency Operating Center, 220 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sterling Powell Robert Matheson, Excused MEMBERS ABSENT: Andre’ Mallette Lawrence Bergman, Excused Jan Kavanaugh Dennis Cooper, Excused Leslie Stanfield William Younginer, Excused Tom Eason Donnie Hall, Excused Cynthia Deacon Duane Ward, Excused Steve Smith Brenda Hewlett Michael Core Genia Boswell Wayne Pearce Ron Jordan Jerry Brewer GUESTS:Debora Cottle, NHC Public Safety Communications Center Chairman Powell called the meeting to order at 10:08 A.M. Chairman Powell asked if everyone had reviewed the December 20, 2007 minutes and if anyone had any questions, comments or changes. Chairman Powell asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes. Genia Boswell made a motion and Michael Core seconded the motion. Motion approved. Old Business: Chairman Powell stated that Carolina Beach had gone digital and Michael Core said that Wrightsville Beach is waiting on flashes. Chairman Powell asked if this was working for everyone else and if they were doing any patches. No one has started patching. Chairman Powell asked to be kept abreast of the situation. Ron Jordan stated that they were looking into leasing and Chairman Powell said that they were looking into it for Ocean Rescue. Chairman Powell asked if they would get more information on leasing and have it available for the next meeting as far as costs. It may be an option for some that can’t afford to buy theirs outright. Chairman Powell asked if there was any trouble in 9-1-1. Debora Cottle said so far there has not been any trouble. Wayne said to keep in mind that patching has to be kept to a minimum. The patches are going to be kept until everyone goes digital and soft patches will be done on a case by case basis. When the patches are not needed they will have to be removed manually, it is not an automatic step, so keep that in mind also. 2009 is the end of life for some of the equipment in the analog system. Leslie stated that there is a risk of not being able to find parts and the maintenance costs go up with the end of life in 2009. Replacement parts will be after-market though IT spares of most of the critical parts. During the time of overlap on the two systems, we are paying maintenance on both. From an operational and budget perspective, digital is a good way to go. Jerry Brewer asked if the ideal was to get everyone switched to digital January 1, 2010 and Leslie said yes. Jerry Brewer asked if everyone would keep track of their radio ID’s. He got several back from Coastal and they were programmed with the same ID. If the emergency button is hit, and there are two radios out there with the same ID, they don’t know where you are. Jerry said that all of his were fixed but that it was something to keep in check. Steve reminded everyone to keep a regular check on this and Jerry said that the radios are being assigned to a position not to a person. If the deputy is moved, the radio in the car stays the same with the next deputy. City of Wilmington is working towards keeping accurate records of radios and IDs. Leslie reminded everyone that the radios will not work with the new system without being programmed in which requires a serial number, radio ID and an alias before the radio keys up. This is the perfect time to get everything cleaned up. Tom Eason asked if anyone has ordered any radios from Motorola. He ordered some back in October and has yet to receive them but also has not gotten an answer as to where they were. Genia said that she also has some ordered but has not gotten them as of yet. Chairman Powell asked if they were ordered from Motorola or from Andrew (Curd). They were ordered from Andrew. Chairman Powell stated that it may need to go to the next level. Steve suggested a letter from the Board as a group; Lynn will send it to Andrew with a copy to his boss. Chairman Powell would like everyone to send an email of what you are looking for and any problems that the agency is having with procuring the new radios. He will compile it, send it back out for everyone’s review and see about getting this handled. Ron Jordan suggested that we invite Motorola to the next Board meeting to get this situation resolved. He thinks it would be beneficial to get things cleared up in person. Jerry asked if anyone had had Wireless repair any radios yet and Tom said yes and he was charged a flat rate of $433. Jerry has sent two portables back three times. Each time he gets them back, he turns them on and they still have the same problem, as if they never touched the radios. Wayne said that he talk to Warren to invite Andrew (Curd) and his supervisor about all outstanding orders and flash problems. Chairman Powell asked to be kept posted on any of the problems that they were having and to please bring them to the meetings. Any issues like these send to Lynn to add to the agenda. New Business: Public Safety Communications Center: Steve Smith distributed the monthly agency reports to Committee members via email and asked if there were any questions or if the agencies had not received them to let Lynn know. The PSAP overview is attached to the December minutes. Brenda gave an update on the happenings in the Center. 􀁸 We have 6 new trainees that are being released as soon as they are done with their practicals. 􀁸 We have held two review boards and are hopefully going to be fully staffed within two weeks. 􀁸 Training over the next couple of weeks is for re-certifications. 􀁸 We are still looking at the replacement of the recorder. There are two separate backups so that there will not be any loss. 􀁸 Around May, we are eligible to move into the VIPER 9-1-1 IP and will try to coordinate that with picking up of the new CAD consoles, which will provide new console positions in case of emergencies. 􀁸 The county website has the statistics that has been updated weekly. This can also be used by the media. This includes links to each of the agencies. Steve will leave for active duty for the Coast Guard for eight months. Brenda will be the Acting Director until his return. Chairman Powell wanted to know the procedure for special assistance for people that are added to the CAD system. This is an ADI form filled out and the information is attached to the address in CAD to let responders know of any special needs for the resident in case of emergency. This can be filled out and mailed in or call Brenda so that when there is a call to that address it will pop up. The residents that are on file are sent a form to update on a regular basis. A lot of the ones sent out this year were returned due to moving or other situations. Chairman Powell wanted to know if there was a list of people from each district available for the agencies. Brenda said that she would get him a list. Steve informed everyone that it was possible for the agency to request to put notes in the system on specific addresses for future reference so that it came up any time the was a responder to an address. Wayne wanted to remind everyone that this Board was for all the issues not just the radios and problems with them. Chairman Powell reiterated to send an email to Lynn to add to the agenda for discussion at the Board Meetings. Chairman Powell adjourned at 10:44 A.M.